Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Removal ! BCi|StllQ£ & CQ« HAVX MOVED T0 — Morgan‘s - Auctlon - Rooms <or a thori lime. We Departure Bay COAL charcoal, ALGEROBA and KINDLING WOOD in any Bolb T«f!ephones 414 •u6 POUND MASTEK*S X0TICI1 Nodce is h. reby giren to all ihal iere at the GoTernment Ponnd st Maiki, tio str»yed bnlU. 1 bbck boll randevl Kon right hind leg. 1 pmeo buli rand indiscri>)«bie ou U§ \ny or persoas 0Tnng lhese l)Ulls rā requested to eome >U)d t*ke the same on r before 12 o'eloek noon, SATIRX>A\. , OT ,S - 1SM ,.ons KrKONA. Ponnd Master. Mdkiki.Ang.aO, 1S04. aag,10-lwdy Pioneer Shlrt Factory £STABI.I3nED IS87. A. M. MELL1S. Proprietor, 5IS Fort 3t., (Upitairs' Goml Fit CONSOLIDATF.D SODA WATER CO. (Limitted.) ESPL AN AD E = Cor. Allen and Fort M*. : : Honolulu I10LUSTEH * CO.. A(eul>. F0R 8ALE. A FINE “ MIDNIGHT ” STALLION >lt belonging to P. D. Isenl«rg ; The colt mbe s«-en at the PANPHEON STAKLL ■om to-morrow. The WhUe House! 118 Nuuanu Avenuc, HONOLULU, HAWAHAN ISLANDS-Fir$-cla$ [ionge IK EVERY RESPECT. Rooms from $1-50 to $3.00 per Weet or 50c. per Day. PAULLEMKE. PROPRlATOR. Bell Telephone 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO Mcrs, Pienie P?rties. Lnans —AND — OENEHAL PUBLIC1 A* S3fira s B;s amo LrvsaY Stable, Kixo Sth et. [Adjoiijing Metiopolitan Meat Muket. 1» the Chenpe»t Plaee in Tcnrn yon ean WaguQedea, Bnggiei and S*d .. it wili pay y.. n to eali and you try elsewhere. Muiaal Telephone 408 >ngl-tf c Vf 0 lH'\ FlJ'T Epe., Coraer £lcg asd Alatfa 3trecU. iiarino’M-Keferators tr By £r*ry Stnarr from S»B Fnu»eiaeo, vitb 'resh Fruit, Oysfers, S3imon, Pouliry, £tc» Etc.. ttc. s