Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
pOf\ SALĒ A Complete Hunting Out£Lt. Crelr ?» S t: s r h teh of the He-- b’o 1:n A '*er i r j ?:er*r<i n t e A. K .S I>. «od brokeo. * One P.»inter b tch br the ee’eh *t*-d t» >ib? gi tn e SIOOO i ••:» I. O.ie P five week* o’d fither ; (tui rii >the' t •r‘"irnbre*-di. One B c’<b»«nl bii’te3 t »r»* a y : -r hm.l i ir pnn usr». u e Su ui sij > <1 >ue « a’:il : i ti i • <>rtier. T«e . b .{fit w !i b-* s > «1 cheaj> Ki.q i:re i f W. H. eUNIINoHAM, Anchor S iloon. -.eplh lf Cr iteriou Saloon I NOTICE i- iiereby given, tbat nll eluiHLā ngiiiisc tiie CriterIoTi Snlooii) <vi’ 1 b > settlecl bv J is. F tn lal •>utst:iu.l ng .oo » ii»ts .1 ie tlie CulTERION S.VLO «V iiuil t O |obbiug iiiiU-m) t»f Ij. ri. Dee nj» to tiie i.bove «l.*te. :«re yul» eto v| r L. U. Dee A‘l l»ii’.s .giinst L H Dee le «se pie-ei.l iinmeJ* tely for uvmeiit. L H. DEE. Honol .ln, Oct. 3. 1891. oe 0 3m Kouse! 118 l\uuauu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANCS firSt-daJ5 {iouge i \ every ri*:sit:ct. Rooms from $1-53 to $3.00 P3r Wssl : or 50g. por Bay. PAUL LKMKK. PROPRIATOR. Bell Te« pli •»•? 132. Riig 21 KAMEH.VMEH.-V GIRLS
SCHOOI i i TUo fir t of K.me'i ici?h i i i • a M ■; ! -jr V> «■ «;-r - h. A|*J***c >ti ■■ i i <r i :-u; ■>; >:i >1 «r bt? I el l> 'li'» l’op? e !*» r t K i-n-li >meh • j Mnu I ..>r VIi,h P > ( >", wtlbe 1 > H>w - iian Km le K > *oi. Qi«* > *■ >■>“*• ! H« l, >> , »ir ly mo iag. fr.>::i 9li w!.e.v | eli» w>ii h !>■■ 1io •:>«;: >> >lic >'*t . • tnit •>;» i lif:y i ■ - $*>». * ye>r N n.>l>licuit> reix.r« 1 ca .er liy *r. •*;’ «ge. Ov,S. ll-la* F0R SAIE \ FI\>: •• MI >N’I r'• srALLlO>5 cr.ll \*A g '•» *•- J U' • 1 ō«q )>e m l aNPHP. )S S f Vl?LK frr»tn Pioruer Shirt Factory i"'. A M ME!.L!S. Pr>:iiet*r. SJs Fort st, M■►•■> •liiu. fCp*'»>r*' Gootl ?t; Removal ! & Cq. j HAVE « >V£D T0 Morg3n’s - Auolion - Rooma (lakA. W* ««Mill mIm»>X Departure Bay COAL UllAUC >al. AUiLH Bv a4 K. NULINU WiiOl) m *aj \ lUlpkUO* *Ā» ui