Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WOVEN WIRE! i The Luxury OF THE J9th Century A M>fster loiia Tale. Did anybody ever hear how the bacani fir«t «a> griiwn. T Iow the milk in the cocoannt; whea , n:sni;o xtal ws> »own; Frotn whenoe the nstivc» eaine to people thi> f»ir bnd. And when they died. wher“ thcy all went. Ihe happy dusky band? The*e facts »re a’I my>terion», and no solotion ret. And there’s other my«teries qnitc a> deep whieh areT!»t fath»tncd yet: Who wa» it ran the opium riuir. srot in the !iquor free, How »s-> it Cu>toms men weie blind. detectiv,s could'nt sec? % Whose eoini to be the Tammany Kin;r of this mo>t piou> town, Who'll >tsrt the Show. to whom shail we ah piank the "needtui'' down; Wno »id l<- Bb>s, and run the tlrm, who will the Buckley be, Tc do it on the FrUco pian of the Great Kepuhlie free? One tiiin«r «e know tl»at B.\ILET'S BEDS are made of W0\ EN' W IKE, Thev srivc us comfort. and rest, and are all that we doire; He takes no pai t in poliliw, but docs the bcsl he ean. To piease his frionds, and show that he s the WOVES WIKE MAN W0VEN WIRE BAILEY, Manufaciurer Cf W0VEN WIRE 8eds, Holel Strbet, Honolol'.i, (ne.\l donr t> ;! orn's Steam BakeryT) Sald by All Respect=Dls !sl=r: «iio 14-1 rn YIAYI REM£D1ES.

XVIII, n'KE C'onsmnpt!f>n. Khemnr.t : sm. CHhtrrh. Crt>np. iU ?>C'n d s Tises, Peina’.e Co;upl ints. Mitd Pt!es i i the worst form. Hoi>es «re eutertHiued thnt it wlll cure Leerosy. Thev ,re Vecetable Keme«IIe* and o»n bensēdby the must Jelicule «nd ihe youugest ehlliL l’r ces withlu the re>ch 01 h1’.. hy ?!r*. C. Q. G.illo\vay, 109 Kins »treel, Vv,.y l$U>> k. u.elee .-i.<riUonv f/.ill. //ouolula CARD OF NOTICE. Schnrf €•>., has rs>mowfi to Ar !ingt n Bh>ck • I«>tel Slrcet. where they wi 11 be better able to serve .\nd please lheir Pulmne. Will keep on hand all the latest papers. B >ok Stati<>nery. Periodicals & Nnvelties, in all br.tuches of the tr>de. se 14 tf Per S.S. AUSTRALIA from the Coast CAMAEINOS Refrigerator Contain a Full Supply of lee House, such as Frozen Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Sulmon, CanHflower Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaches, ADricots 7 * Mectarines, Japanese PIums Tokay Grapes, German Prumts Crawfoni Peachcs, Silver Prunes IlDse Peru Grapes, Bartlett P$ars, S:klc Pears, Etc. California Fruit Market. AIutual Tel. 378 lt

S0TICE. D Howani Hitcbcock h sre opened bis elasses in drawing and painting at hia CUsa Bdom on Hutai St. C!ass instrnclion* giren ©verv Weduesday and Satorday from 8 p. m. , lo 1- P. *• Applīe«t ou for tbe fuil terrn sbouid lx> at oaoe. l«r