Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
iiRRIVED ■'A.dST^A.L(/\ ! " French an»l >cotch Gingh itns (new) .. .10c., *AXj. aml Victoria Ltffos (new). 10 yds for "While Dr G.x>Js mew>.. 10o_ lōe. . *22c., ‘2>c., Lv*., Whiie an 1 CoIoceJ D mities [new] ‘20c. ao l Llaunelletis. ull colors, (new> 10 yds for oM :a ixim—“Taere is nothiog n rt . r. 1 > suu"—knocked oat. C ill and bo convince 1. M, S. LEVY. Who is now in Beason. S:n;th >tr Co. OKl Stand, Fort Stivot
POI NI) M.\STKK’S I XOTKENotiec is hereby given to .•»!! p<'rsoiis th;»t there ;ro at thf Government Ponml » 'lakiki s noe the tir-1 , av of Oct 1s94, 3 horses and a eow 1 bav m »re witl» a little white >pot t tho forehae»d, bramietl 3 0 on the left hiiul l» g; L brown mare, no br»nd on: 1 cream mare with a little white sp t at the forehea»l, A11 the foar lei;s \vhite L»r »n»le<l li on the left hiiul l»*g; 1 r«*tl eow ,no braml. rsght ear ehopeil otl thns \ Any ptrson or pers ; s owning thcse unima's aro r»-q". 'ste».l to eome j»n»l t.ike tbe s*m« ou <»r before 12 o'cIo?k noou Oct. 13 1S94. SATrUDAY Wm Kaapa Ponml Master. Mi.kiki Oet- 1. 1>94. oct4 PIONEEU !*2!S CJNDY Fnctory. IS A H F.It V aitd ilee Ooam Parlors! X ' m m m ii F r . , 7 1863 M 1894 PP.^CTICAL COXFEC T!ONEK axd ORNAMENTER In nll bra»chf.» of lhf bu*inets o>» the*e i*land». Amenean, Enj;lisb, German anJ French PA6THIES Made to Ordcr. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Made of tho Very Best Material anii at Ri asniiable Rates. Family 6raham &, Fancy Bread Ahcayt on /ln„d. AM< < <INFH< TIOAKRV Manufacti;rcd at My Esfablishmont Arc GuaranKed to be P..«!tivelv Ptire and Sold at Prici - no otber establi*Iun< nt cati eoenpele witb. FACTORY AND STORE, N*o. TI Ilolel Strect, Honolaln. Both īelephone* Xo. 74. jy2d l- B. KERR'S flNNOUNCENIENT! have just beceiyed a L-\HGK ASSORTMEKT Ol
F|NE SUlTiNGS, ELEGANT PATTERNS, AND LATEST STY— Tb«. 800.1» wiU * >Jd in #ny Qa , nt . ty frota a 100 !Yard« Dowx to Ea’ouoh to Make a SnsoLE Sn T ! AT—BABD THES PBinES! *- *• Kk ««k.