Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 26, 18 October 1894 — MACHINE POLITICS. [ARTICLE]


It is surpri«ing th*t the more iDtell gent f>ortion c»f tbe active aapportera of tbe repoblic cannot uneleneUn*! that notbing is more injutions to tbe formation anil eontinnance of a »table governroent thsn tbe present al>seuce of a bealthv opjK)8ition. Any at tempta of placing an indepeudent tick«t in tbe field on tbe part of men disaat;sfied witb tbo Ameriean Union ticket ismetwitbu Lowl of derision. Tbe dictnm iaaned from the Le.igno must be hual nnd irrevocnble. Everybody must bow to Murruy and Jones and blindly fo!low m lbeir ateps. Tbe eiperience gaine«l in 1887 abon!d be a les-on to tbe present government The n-volutionary governmeut at that duy swept •verytbing before tbem and tbey elected a legislature in wbicb there was only one purty and absolute!y no opposition and tbe resnlt is tbat tbey filled tbe statute book of tbe conntry witb aome of the most absnrd, and poorly framed luws. A loy.f tbe laws bave beeu decl«red nnconstitntioual ’aml a number of others bave virtually never gone into etfect wbite auotber number bad to be amended if not repeal ed altogether. And tbis result is quite natural. Legislators who need not waleh or spnr witb an oppositiou get careless and tbey rusb measures tbrougb in a slip sbod manner to get throngb witb the work and get back to business and bomes. Tbnt tbo administration of course will bave a great aud absolote majority goos witbout saying. Legislators on an independent ticket would uot be in opposition to tbe government except csuso giren but tbcy would make careful investigatious into tbe niethods uf tbe goverumvnt aud not blindly adopt every pro position or nct .placed before the houae. Wby tbe government ahonkl be afraid to meet men wbo were elected iudependently aud uot bound by anv iatb or pledge we cannot sec. Tbe planters bave tbe al>so2ute uiajority in botb bonses aud k tbo planters are of course tbe rulers of tbegovernuent. Tbe tivket pt»blisbed n few days ago in our eolumna waa not a ‘‘nominaliun’’ by tbo Hoi.omi a hs tbe Star aaya bnt it was sent to us from som« voters who objected to tbe kind of politics througb whieh Mr. P. 0. Jones aud bis friend Mr. Murray uudertx)k to rnn tbe l’uion Partyand tbe vo tera of Oahu.