Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
=■' i Removal ! Hustace Co. H.WE MOVED T0 Morgan*s - Auellon - Rooms for * tuB«- 'Ve »rwtill *ei:iat Departure Bay COAL GHARCOAL, ALGEROBA ami KINDLING WOOD is *nv qM&tStT. BotJ» Te)epkoae> 414 ,u<5 Ploneer Shlrt Factory ESTABLISIIED 15ST. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 5Ii Fort 6t., Honolulu, iL>ck1 Flt CONSOLIDATED SOI\V WATER CO. ESPLAN A 1) E : for. All«'n anil Forl S»«. ; : Honolulu iIOLUSTEK & C0., F0E SALE. A FFN'E “ MIDXIUIIT ” STALLION eoll belontnng t«> P. D. .The eoll ean be s*en at the P.VXTIIEON ST.VJBLE from to-morrow. tf. The White House! * 118 Xuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ Firgfe-clas$ {lou^e IN EVERY RESPECT. Roois from $1-50 to $3.00 per WeeL or 50c. per DayPAl’L LEMKE, PROPRlETOR. Bell Telephon? 132. aue 22 XOTICE TO Vlslte. Pienie Parties. Lnaus k M l'OENEHAL PUBLICI At SHrTR’s B;.s A\n Livbby Stable, Kino Street. [A«ljoining Metrcpobtan Meat Market.] : !s the Che«pest Plaee in Town yoq ean g | Busses, Wagoneties, Baggies and Sad.i j Horses. It will pay you to «»11 and s« , bcfore toū try elsewbere Mntnal TeIephone 408 augl-tf LEE SUXG KEE, 49 K1NG STREET. TDsSMITH, avd DEALER IN GLASj I ware. Crockery, Coal-OU Stoves, W»t f o*»— pl «mbing in Ail Its Branches Fait frUy Eiecuted. jy!S-ly N0T1CEDoring my absence from coantry after the departure of “0^anic’ : ' for Cbina Ch:c Dt will bave full cbarge of mv bo ne?s an«l affairs generallv. Wailuku, Sept. 24. I8& Ah Cn THOS. LIX13SJ 208 Merchani ātreet Plonol ■Acm’ Store, ne\j Jexctlry ( Silrtr and Diamoud*. Jewelry Manufacture to orde W atches eleaneU and repaire« :s «nd ?e4-tf, T ° Let or Leaae, WaUewa pmaUe*, euaiaieiaa partor «U po**t*t party. Addm« ‘° AUaAHAM FERNa>DIZ. «-Xa»