Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 October 1894 — Church Services [ARTICLE]
Church Services
ST. AXDBEW’S CATHF.DP.AL. Tlie services of tlie Cathetlrul Congreg.it iou of St. Andrew's Catbedr:il for to-morrow aro as fol!o\vs: 6:30 A. M ., Holy Commuuion; 11 M , IIoly Communion and* sermon; 7:30 p. m., evensong and serraon. SECOXD COXORKG.\TIOX. The services of the Second Congregat;oa of St. Andrew*s Cathedral to morrow (f;undayj will be as follows: 9:45 A. M. , morning prayer, with sermon; \enite, Turle irn G;TeDeum, Woodward in E fl it; Benedictus. Jubilate. Su11 i v a n in D: II yra n s 437 and 431; Anthem, “Let Every Soul be Subject unto the Higher Powers.” by Stainer. 6:30 p. m., evonsong with sermon. Maguificat. Mauder in B flat; Nune Diraittis Beethoveu in B; Anthom, “O, Savioor of the World.” by Goss; IIymns 432 aud 551. Bev Alex. Mackintoeh, pastor. Ali cord’.ally invited. CEXTBAL l'.MON CHl*RCH. Sunday, October 7.—Kev. Dr. Hobert G. Uutchins, D.D-, will preach atll a. m. upon “Cbristian Palienee. * At7:30p. m. the subjeot will be “The Caro of the Body.” Sund .y School at 9:43 a.m. Yonng People’s Society cf Christiau Endeavor mteting at ; 6:30 p.m. Subject: * Tboaghts from the First Psalm. Y’oa aie cordially invited to attend. Come and bring a friend i with you. oome to ali eoaen. r. * e. a. sekvices. Sunday, 11 a. m , »t Oahu Jaii; 1:15 r X , at tbe Barr»cks; 3:30 J p. m. , B ble study at Y’. M. C. A.; 6:30 P. x., Gospel praiae serrice at Y. M. C. ACHR1ST1AX XISSlŌ.V Meetiug* at H*rmony or Odd Fellows’ Hall on King str»rt betweeu Fort and Alakea sireets. Preachiag by PeT.T.D. Qarvīa, at 10*30 a.m. aod 730 p. m Moruiug iHeme: ''How do we become God't ehiUpeol'’ Eveniug iheme: “Tbe caliing ol Ihe Oeolilea.” Tbetaes Ulostrated by charts. Tbe tim« of momicg
serrīee bas been chaoged to «ccocicūod*te a QG3iber d««iricg to atteod the serriT«. B.ble c.'3« ct 10 •m. All will l»e m ī-le wdcome. Seat* free. No serrices »n ihe eveniQg. *rrHOPisr epis op\l chtech IleT. H.W. Peok. p3slor. ■'uu day serTĪce. 11 am . 7:30 pm. s-»bject: "T«mpUtīoB how met aad overcome.” Evenioi: serrice. “Whieh lhmgs Angek desire to look ioto. CUss meeting {mmedī»sely after morning service. , Prayer- meetiug on We-loesday at 7:30 p m. Meelings held in hail ov t r Tracy*a store, corner For. an.l Holel streets. Everybodv wel eome. I.ATTEE D.VV >AI.\TS. Reorg-mized Cbnrch of Josos Chr;>t of L,ittcr D.iy < .in;?; Jfil lani H»ll. resr of Oi>en» Hoose. i Servico,- wiil be i:eld ou Suud«y ;»s foil-'ws: 10 a. x., Bible cl.vss; 111:15 a. m. and i>;30 r. M , preaeh“»g Band Concert — Prolessor l>erger will give b;s nsaal coacert at Emma S.juare this afternoon. The following programine will be rendered; i 1 Introductiou —“Curmen” Bizet "i Muroh —“Suite"'. . Lachener 3 Cornet I)uet—“WeTwo .... Faust 4 ‘Tkeminiscences of Halfe'’ Godfrey 5 Pinale—‘Bivouac ’.. Patrella G Waltz —”Gypsy Baron’’ Slrans| "Hawaii Ponoi’’