Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

nr iNSUUANCK,-« FIRE AND MABI1 THE DNDERSIGXED AUTHORIZED TO TAKK F1RE am. MAKINE liISKS ON Buildiu£*, Merchandise, Cargoes, auel Cornmissjons At Curreut Ratos. in tlio lollowiii; samki.y: BOYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVKRP00L. alliance assdranck FIUE k MARINE, lond WILHELMA OF MAlXiEBTR*» GE**»KR VL IN&l RSCN 1NSURANCE COMl’ANV, SA.n IHANCISCO. ,T. S. WAI .lvl% 'igent for the Hawaiian QEĪ>WAY k FQETI Roirinson Hloek, HoUl St., heiween Fort and Nuua Have Just Receiv.d. ]er Late Armab, lle 1 Hc N1TURE Ever ImpOrted to tiiis Country, Compns Hndsome Carved Bedroom In SolitlSOali<» cmdol\he LA TESi\l'>LSIG ESPECIAL ATTENT10N 1S CALLED TO THESJ WIOKER WAī Beautiful Designs of Wicker Ware. consist:ng o S()FVS CHA1RS, ROCKERS, etc., vou ean get the ’ FIN1SH voudesire. CHAIRS, CountlesH uumbers ot CHA1US, i.. everj; style. iucludiuf and HIGH CHAIRS. tabl: \\ e bave bftd n nuraber of ealln īor tbesu Xables, with C matcb. Wo bave uow in stock tbe most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNIT EVER SEEN HEKE. Sideboards and -;- Chiffo: u DI -\TA. 3NT S. Divans covered witb P0KT1EKS are becommg qmte tb iilaee of LOUNOE8 —we manufacture tbem to order, a laigo stock of POKTIEKS to sebct from. BEDI3IlTa Gre«t Assortment of WOA EN A\ IKE MAl TRESSES Spi Moss. Wool aml Straw Mattresses ou band aml maele i 1VE GEESE FEATHERS «nd SILE FLOSS for PiPow CBIBS. CKADLES, etc. AV1ND0W SHADES of all colors and sizes. COKNlCE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings. S3 DS U«Urcsses, Lonuges «nd «11 Upholatered Furuiture r. reasonable rstes. C AB1NET MAKINO, in all its brancbes, by Competent M VTTING LA!D and IuUrior Decorating undor tbe Sup Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. . Our Goods are Firet C1 iss, aml our pnces are the low and be convincod—a trial is solicited. Bell 525. telepuoses: Mutuai ORDWAY dc POKTER. Bobinson Block. between Fort a Telkpiioxe«: Bell 351 Mutual 417 Heside Mutui P. O. B< F,. B. IHOMA C0NTRAGT0R and 6UILI