Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 October 1894 — Another Success. [ARTICLE]

Another Success.

Tbe per;'jrmanoe f Caprice” la»t Satanlav night to a fuI ] bou«e higlily appreci<t-?d bv au ao<1ience that alwaya :s fonJ of s<ingn atid dauces. Miss l)tlgieisb played the country girl heroine with ber usnal skill. MissStockmeyer was grcete<l with a storm of app.'aoae «nd received a well deserved encore. A nuraber nf loeal hits had beeu introduced in the song “Th«t's wbat the wild waves are gaying” and as they were iunoeenl in nature thev provoked iuuch mirth. Capricewill ,he repeated ut a matinee on Wednesday.