Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 October 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]


CONSTITUTION aml I.A\VS Ke.imnl ltvthe Mirtsiinmrii's * LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. lf any mnstcr of a vessel vioIates Ihi* law. he sh*li l> five hun<lro 1 iloltars. 4 The Pilot and P-rt Physician ahall havo power to tjuaranliue all shipe, as well vessc’is of war as oth«r<, i>r vido«l they havo eotne from iK>rts auppoaeil by the Ik>anl of Hea.ih to be infected, or dangeron. > *, but »fter onoe pni aoder q :at anlioe they shall bi uoder ihe directivn of ihe fall B >ari. And thty may be lengtben or shorten the timo of Quaraut at their discretion. 5 li a ve»sol be put under »|uarantine, the l aplain ahall in the day time keop constantly flying at iho maio, a hlaok »ndyelIow tlag. and iu the night at the samo mast two lights, one above the other. Uo ahall not eomo on shore, nor shall he {»«rmit *ny persou on board his ship to eome, or to p ) on b>ard of another ahip; he shall j>errait no articlo to bo taken from his ship, until such time as tbc Bo.ird of Heait ii ehal: appoint. lf any Captain vio!ate tbis law,or if any C«pUin altemj>t ta take his ship to a prohibite«l plaee, ho shaii be fined a thousand dullars, an<l it shall be proper for the g rernor and thos«j who have charge of the bos;ne-s to tinc or iik • any olher »t«p whieh is necessary lo force obe*ltouce U.o reqaisit.ons of this seclion. AII the prohibjtions whieh apply to eominii on shore * bringing any articles on sh >re. apj>ly alio »> b>ar lii;/ ai.oi vessol, or carrying any arti;les on board. SECTION IV. OF Pa.HS1SOEB» ANI> OTHF.K FKB.soNs ON BOaBD 0' *r.ANTUIEI> ships. All re*tnciions whieh tre ;aīd on qUAranlined vess« i- w , eh eome to the IsUn<K are also applieahle to all paM<?ngers ao<l ofhcora ao<l peopleofsa:d Tc-*’; -. fi»ey are all UD<ier :awof tho Board of Healtb. If any ooe c<)a:e on shoro, or sen 1 any bagg»ff? or writing oa thore, or go to any otber ve»4el, ho u guilly. aad thatl be Aooi in tbe tamo mannor a> Ihe Capiiia would be, <loing lbe same act. And wh»ist>3ter tho Cap» t»in is pr\>hibited from doing, all people on board his ship are doiog the sAme SECTIUN V. PBOUlBITIONS APr»Ji’ABLB TO *LL rEB>M)NH. Tbi» last edict u applieahle loali that i* »aid »bovo. lf aay mao does iu realily TŪiUte any one of ihe »bove Uws. auddo it koowingly and wiih eril iateot suJ with tho iesign of tr*o»gres»iug ihe law; and io coflswioeoc9 of hi» a coatAgious d setM is communcated on shore, whoso;\o, doeathi» i» a Murderer and sha!t be haoged.