Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HOLO^U IS rrBU8HED Kverv A.t’temoo EXCEIT 8USDAY BI THB H aleaua PublisMag \t King St. (Thomas hloei Honolula, H. 1. i^BSCKP7I0N f per ICnth, 5C Tii« p»per i* «leljrered by Can-ien* i towu au« »uburl>s. SiuK le Copies foi lue ,\« ws L>tiil«rs aad at lue Offl pul liealion. Edhuhd Norrie, - - £( P. M. ROONēY. - - Mar >sOTICE. All Busine«8 Conimunlcation8 shou l'. M. ,K(X)NEY, J lulu, H. I. i'omwponeienee anel Commnnicatioi i.uhlieaUon should be addn.*88e<l to the 1 ilawaii Holomua. No notice will b* to uny anonj'uions oummuuicatk>a8. Husinesa Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFORD Attoi ney aml Couusolor at I Olliee, Sito of tho Olil Both \Vest Cornor of King and He Streots- jy \. P. P£T£BSON, ATT0I1SET AT LAW. Offioe; 113 Kaahumonu Street, UoE Hawaiian Islands. CHARLES CREIGHTOI ATTOKNEV AT LAW. Office: 113 KaaLumann 8tn>et, Hoi Uawaiiau Islauds. PAUL NEUMANN, attorney at lam 314 Merchant Stroet. Uono Mutu.il Telephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFOD ATTORNEV AND 00UN8ELL01 LAW. Offico. Oia Capitol Rnilding. (Hoi Uule), adioining l’ost Office, Uonolaln.! A. ROSA, attoknev at law. No. 1’> Kaahumanu St.. Houo Hnwaiian Islands. H. F. BERTELM ANN, oontractor and jicild: 8t’> King St., Bell Telephone F. H. REDWARD. OOSTRA€TOB ani> PUUOEE Ho. 606 Kinu Suvot, Honol Hawaiian Islands. Wm. F0STER, ATOKNEY AT LAW. 42 Merchaut Stroet. Oct 1 A. G eOHKEA, HTATTORNET at law.^1 307 Merchant Street, Honol jyao Fernamles & Gon —wholuaue — California Wine and Spirits, No. 502 Fort St.. Honolulu,