Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 1 November 1894 — THE WHITE CZAR. [ARTICLE]
— The Ruler Of All Euwiiua li DyingSt Petersbarg. Oct 2*). There is loss bad neTrs abont tbe Czar s condition. whieh is howeTer. still very serioas. The swelllng is rising above his knees. It was tapped yesterday, whieh seemed to relieve the Czar for a time. 8t Petersbarg, Oct 20. 11 p m. The Emperor slept a little today. He is in the same eon^i 1 - tion as to his strengtb and the a<flvity of his heart. Tbe nights : of the 19th and 20th were less| bad. Biarritz, Oct 20. A telegram «vas received here last night from the Czrr himself by Princess Gouroaski, better known to tbe puhlie as Priucess Dolgorouki, tbe raorgonatic wife of the latei Czar. lt was as follows: “Je me trouve tres faible. raais; j’espere encore retablir. “Alexa\dre.” [1 feel very weak, bat still hope to recover Alexaxder.] Paris, Oct. k ‘20. The Czar’s straggle with death continues. The poliiieal life of Earope is hanging in ?uspenoe apon what is taking plaee in a Iitt’e Crimean village, where lics dying the absolate ruelr of 120,000.000 human beings. The origin and progress of his disease seems so strauge. that the report that he has been poisoned with persistauee It is not probable that this is trae, bat all extraordinary events are possible in Rassia. For two days past all those who have access to the Czarowitch have been qaestioned about him. Accordiug to all tho iuformation obtainable, he is a young man of average iutelligonce, aud inelined to liberal ideas, especially in i religious raatters. For a long | time he inanifested a liking for ; Germany, but in this respect he ! seems to have cbanged. His chief adviser will be General Domlpvitch, of whom he is very foud. Tbe general is an euergetic soldier of absolately Slavonic ideas. The iuarriage of the Czarowitch to Princess Alix of Hesso will certainly take with a brief delay. He will break off his liaison with the Polish Jewess Danseuse, who has had a great inflaej|ceon him. This dansense was the first love affair of this young prince, who, until he made her ucquaintance, had maintained great reserve, and was inclined to solitude. The fatare young Emperor of Rassia is very foud of hia unc!e, Giand Dake Sorgius aud, above all, of the GrandDnchess, who is a ver\ r beautiful woman. Sbe was born a Princess of Hesse, and is a sister of the future Empres3 of llussia. lt is said tbat the inAaeneo of the Grand Duches? was the only tHing whieh has proved powerful enough to bring the' Czarowitoh to consent to the raarriage arranged for him. The future Czir is very Rnssian iu his habits und mora!s. In this he is not like bis father who is very reserved. During his stay in London last spring, tbe Czarowitch went to all sorts of places where princes arenot in the babit of visiting. in order to meet the expectations of £arope, it woald be necessary for the yoang prioce to have all possible talents and virtoes. He seems disposed to rule alike with pradence, and it is not likely that be will,at least for the present in any way change the policy followed by his father. It is not reasonable to ask anything more of this unhappy Prince. : who, at the age of twenty-six ' years, is called on to andergo tbe terrible slavery of being chief of the vastest empire of £arope.