Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 42, 6 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ehe iiolomua €almdar. NOV. 5 f 1894. o M Ta W Th Fr 8»lL ' Qw«rt«r Sor 3 Fnl! Moo a, - 13 Plrrt Quarttr, j 2 13 U 15 1« 17- "19 —; — X«» Moob, 19 » 21 ;22 25 21 -27 3 6 2 » 3 101 o- 36 27 28 2S 30 JS POBT. itatal viioeiji. H P M S lfy*ci»U», M*j, Bnqaim»alt, B C. FrrL' L Trambrp Duga*r-Tpouii», CaU*o. O S. S. AohlmLa. Hoar)lrtte, S F. hk Aia.»ru, Bro«rn, N( venrtJe. XSW. Hi« bfc M«ana Al*. Xewea«tlo. ‘,m l>kt KL’kitat PtTo m«erd. Vrn w*ii AliceCoo* . .Pt T>>vnxend - !.r R«brrl Lr»m, <io»dnien. L»rtM I* >■>' k Forert. M 'lno» 1 »-. S>wc**tk. An. 'Mne 8 X C**Ue. Habb*rd. 8. F. ,\rr. t.k Albert. «>ri(Utb«. 8. F. >tmr S»n»h*n. King, Kohe. Aiu *chr En, Klitg*rd. F.orek*. FOK»;lt* VKHftCLft EXPF.CTCD. An. f hr Paritui....Xewrastle.. .Xov 30 N : *hip GUnivor... N«-»oa»tle.. .Nor 30 (.rrl>k r*nl Iwahen;. Bremen Dec 10 >iiij> H F (Jl*de Liverpool J*n 30 PORi;i(iS SIAIL NEKVICB. S;e*nj»lilp«< will leave for aiui arr’ve lr. in S«n FranciBco *nd otber foreign p«.ru, on or *hont tbe following dates, lill the eloae of 1894. Ijutx Ho50unx',Dn: at HoKOLeu? i< h S*K Fkavc.«oo.:Fm. 8ax Fhanci9cd o* Vavcoc\v.e. ok Vancoutek. M>owcra X»r 3 Aastr*lia Nor. 3 An«tr*lir... .Not. 10Ctiina Nor 12 M*riposa....Xor. 15 AIamcd*.... Nor. 22 0«vanic Xov '0 Miuwcra Nov 24 Arawa Dec. I .\nstralia Dec. 1 An-trali» Dec. 8 0ceani« Dec 11 Monowai ....Dtc. 13 Manjx>sa Dec. 20 Mi ■*«•«.... Deo. 31 Arawa. Deo. 21 Onna Dec 3l Australia....D«>c. 29 Tlio l’anlheon 8aloon ie the «lej»ot for the celebrated EnterjiriseBeer, where it eau alwaye he found C'X)1 and fresh on tap. We «lo n<it «leal in ‘•Frcderickeburg Beer” ae Ihe morning Paj)er—through sonoe mistako has advertisod. Call at the l’anlheon f»r re-freahing drink. JIM DOI)D, Proprietor. * Tulk about braying assos. The town ih full of Ihoiu. McBruyer’s \vhiskoy i« only to bc fouud at tho Empiro Sal«x»n. Aml whea it’s fouud it stays. En. lioqna of theEmpiro Saloon Lus made a new deal whieh will touch the hearts, or at least the j>alates of many a thirsty wanderer. Ho keeps •*half-«nd-half” on draught and serves a raost delicious anel eool bovorage, far superior to ‘‘plaia” beer. se 17 tf J. J. Williama the well-known ArUstic Photographer is making n sj\©cialty of portraits on Watcb Dials and Silk Uandkerchiefs. Complete seta of Lautern slides lectures ean be had at the gallery. For tbey are sold at a reasonable figupo by the dozen or by tho ' huudred. * Ilaniwai HatiiHDUSE The undersigoed having I.KA8EP the well knewa IlaNiwaI B.vth Hoisk at Waikiki, begs to irform \ou, thal it will be run as a Sirictly Firsi-Class BATHING RES0RT. SpeoUt accommodatione fur Luliea and Children. \V._S. BAHTLETT, Proprieter. i*.s, Tram-cars pass the plaee oc8 KAMEHAMEHA GIHLS SCHOOL. TW tinrt *cm «rf K»m*b*a»*b* OW» School »01 oon Moad*j Nov«aber 12»b. Aiplnliani wr whiwina m*r b* uMnw«i io U«m Pope e«tbcr *t K*m»ba«B*h* M oiual or Mim »Vf*. bc tbe H*ww u*b Kuulor>gKr4*t> Kooml m» U*U, H*iord*r iuoruiig» hom »-Hrrh«sr«r *1* ?iU U pWmwl io m*rt *pfdio*al*. Th» tmūon u fifir doU*r» (fēO.'> « jmr•pulienaki (MMTtd ua<Ur 12 j«*h o i *<*• OoL il-lm. EmpIoyment Bar l eau. Ai k ixformation akd« emflov meai B«r**a b*» bm op*e*d *t B*. View. A*l*. oo King 8trw*t, »««1 to tb* Cbi mm Tb**o«. l‘*rdM cW*irii>g tb* mmat of o*fpA«ten, oookA pl*at*ttoe bbwM &wcb*tu<a muI * *" ‘Uppiiwi wuh good *«d i « tbe Bun*a. Me bot 5 1» hy