Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 November 1894 — UNINVITED. [ARTICLE]
But They 6ot There All The Same. The bathers at Waikiki need not be scared when thev hear a report of au uuexpected catch of two sharks at the Queen’s plaee yesterday. The sharks were h;irmless and they simply weut across the reef, to see if they conld join any royalist meeting. Wilson was the only man they raet, and as tl.ey were not backed by an Araerican man-of-war or half a dozen ‘‘smftrt'' politicians he didn’t surrender but they swallowed bis bait--and were hooked. The two lively animals that raeasured respectively five und six feet wore eaptnred by Wilson assisted by sev eral Japanese servants Wilson ' was as we understand fishing for uluas from |the end of the Quoen's pier aud his fingers suddenly uoticed that there was a bite. He pulled and so did tbe other fish at the «ther en d. Assisted by Japan the onemy was brought asbore and found to be not an L7aa,butan every day ordinary shark. Then the old gleam shot out from Charlie’s eyes and he thought that he was pulling in “royali»ts” or other objectionable vermin. Another throw and another sbark. This iime the sbark was only five feet long. Mr. Wileon was buying tfshhooks this aflernoon but it is understood lhat he guarantees that his sharks are like the kanakas. Ttey dont bite excapt very maeh proroked and then they get hooked.