Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Benson, Smith & Co., The COmer o- DRU6 STORE Pure !Drrurs, Fine Perfumes, Promr>t A.ttention, • & Low Prices Corner Fort & Hotel Sta au i Caaadiaa—Australiaa Steamship Liae. Ste«mers of the above Line, runniug in connection vrith the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Between Vanconver, B. C., and Sydney, N. S. W., and calling at Victoria, B. C., Honolulu and Snva [Piji]. -A-xe Dvlo ajt SorxolTjLl*a. On or abont tbe dctes be1ow stated, viz: FROM sn>NET A\D 8UVA, FOR VLCTORIA AXD FROM \TCTORIA A5D VANOOL'VXR, B, C., FOR VAMOUm, B.C.: 8CVA a.\L> STDNET: Stmr “WAEHIMOO” Feb. I, 1895 Stmr “WAHKIMOO” Dec. 24. 1894 Stmr “MIOAVERA” Jan. 1, 1895 Stmr “MIOWERA” Jan. 24, 1893 p | Thrcugh Tickets issued from Honolulu to Canada, United Statcs and Europe. L , | FR«GHT AND PASSENGEH AOENTS; R. McNICOLL, Montreal Canada. DOBERT K£RR, Winnipee, Csnada. M. M. STERN, San Francisoo, Cal. Q. MeL. BROWN, Vanoonver, B. C. _ ‘For Freight and Pas8age and all Oeneml Information, apply to Theo. H. Davies & Ck)., L’d, AjmU/or the līaieaiian ItlamU. 1 p VAKABCRI & 00. 101 pJ P 320—NUUANU STREET—320 I : S»J-K j j Just opened a New lots of JAPANESE GOOD8, sach as : [h Plads, Stripes, Brocades, Fancy, Water and Rainbow Colors, Scarf, S»ches, hi Handkerchiefs, Cape, Dresaes and Shirts. | A Large Variety of Cotton Crapes Large and small Menoaoe, Ladies Fancy Cabinets, Underwaip, L»rge apd smaU eioiaaone Vaeee. Toys and Carīos, ready-made Clothing. and SewiaK.Machioe, and all CHEAP FOR CASH. ’ Call and Iaspect ovr Stock. dec 10 tf TOYS S 406 King Street — IPR'-.Lafc IS2I0N MERCHiLNT, ESiLLE & RETiUL, iods, Gotton CrapBB, Tar, Towals, Hats, Caps, IIAli'. ■ ''m :: 8 as*£r 4 4 ; Etc., Etc. ■eie, m m 18« }.'. ‘ . ¥