Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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The gesr Wines and [iquois distilled from the choicest yields of field and vineyard, bottled with the utmost care and skill, and delivered at your door—the finest tonics and invigorants you can get. WHAT SHALL WE SEND YOU ? Come in and make a selection: wc guarantee the quality. UOFFSGHLiEGER CO. LTD. The Pioneer Wine and Liquor House. N >. 25 King St., near Bethel.
A Gup of Good Coffee To get a real good cup of Coffee you’ll have to start back of the actual making. You’ll have to look to the roasting and grinding. LEWIS’ CELEBRATED COFFEE Is a high grade blend, but moderately priced. 30c. the pound. Roasted three times a week and ground three times a day from g oj old Kona coffee. Always pure and fresh. LEWIS & CO., ltd. 1066 Fort St. 240—Three Telephones—24o.
m G. IRWIN i GO.. LTD 030 Wm. G. Irwin. .President & Manager Claus Spreckels. .First Vice Resident W. M. Giffard. .Second Vice President; H. M. Whitney, Jr... Treas. and Sec'} ' 000 Sugar Factors —an;.)Commission Agents, 000 AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic S. S. Co. Of San Francisco. Cal. H. HAMHNO Japanese Importer of PfVducts . . Provisions and Wines . . Cor. King and Smith Streets I*l lONIC Ladies’ Underwear SKIRTS and CHEMISES M.. J- v.Or>lrrand Kept !n St.-cS DRESSM AKINGI • k-od Fit Guaranteed. Best Workman ship. Low»st Price*. I I Q|||U wtnjANr AVEircK L * J* OUla, s>*.- r»Mhi YSUGASnOTEX IMPORTER 4MO OEILER II JAPANESK PROVISIONS and (lenoral Merohandi^ JAPANESE LIQUOR, direct from KOBE. JAPAN. 1 Sole Agents for RYOKO MASAMUNE Kias Street. rTwoe Main 82