Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — CAMPAIGN OPENED AGAINST DESERTERS [ARTICLE]


CART FLINT ON THE WARPATH. Polio Department to Cooperate with) Var*hal'» Office to Enforce Uni-1 trd States Laws—Three Sailors' W«re Arrested Yesterday. \s a result of the recent ruling oft the Treasury Department, a vigorous ampalgn has been inaugurated by I the local Police Department against ■ ailor- deserting their ships. It has 1 h. rn dei irted that Inasmuch as desert- 1 .■is do not furnish any good material' t.>r \nierli an citizenship, this city will Ih- kept, clear of them, and every , rii.ng |*o-wibh» Ivi done to k , ‘op them j ,i**v ui the ship in which they catne.. A :h> ugh the w ork i» a part of tho fnlli-il Stales Marshals duties.) the TerfßoiaA police department feal-j tiuu the Marshals ofllee has not 1 ■ ::> force neiivistiy to enforce the, Tre.i! ir> s inline, and will co-oper-, ate hea tUy in all efforts to have the. law respected. L Captain Harry FI ut of the harbor, p„j., e has pone on the warpath, and three -allocs who httd deserted thefr ,jvp<! were arrested yesterday. Bev J ■ ai men froin the British ship a.e have left their bed, board and ' work, tun it Is More lhan probable, that within the next -wentyjour hours, thev will he hack-on board the lime-, •r - r pmuwu more jvpes or ov . crhsohim the n£A>B£ Several foreign ship.- are dm* at 1 Honolulu now. or soon will be, but; th. hvaj ofllceys witr.liave their eyes wide op- n and will keep a vigilant . waii h oxer all ,i«ckica who may be-1 , ,ime . uamored with the fascinating] (« antii - of The Paradise of The Pa- ■