Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — HONOLULU TO BE PORT OF ENTRY FOR THE CHINESE [ARTICLE]


Fully Equipped Officers of Inspection Hay Be Established. (BECK TO IBFBKIIOBS Of 111 Suggested That Hawaii Deal With Chinese Question in Its Own Way. M;n:»t*r Wu Digs Up Treaty Clause and Protest* that Exclut.on Law K too Drastic and Humiliating to Merchant* and Traveler*. —Commission of Investigation. (SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE ) WASHINGTON, D. C„ Dec. 31 I M.l. < the terms of tnc new Chinese n bill, to be proposed by the init• : Pacific Coast delegation, Ho noh'.iti Is made one of the ports fpru/ich shicta Chinese may Min entry ro the United States. The others • San Francisco. N<-s York. Boston. New Orleans, Manila. Port Townsend. P" Hand. Or . and San Juan. P. K He purpose of the bill is to have I :> equipped inspection offices at t • fsirts. so that applicants may be thoroughly examined. In order to I -vent slipshod methods and conseU nt infrai tlons of the law. Chinese an forbidden entry at any other jairts f the United States. There is some talk among Eastern ( nun ssnien to the effect that Ha w.iil and the Philippines should lie ■ ft ’.i leal with the Chinese question in li t ir own fashion, without Intervention by Congress, the sole proviso I* rt I at the United States shall prelive the terms upon which the Chi- !• t may pass from thus*' groups to Mainland This, however, Is not ’ attitude of the majority, and the outlook is that the bill will I noted*, l Island possessions of the United ‘ Matt - treating all ns part of the United States Minister Wu Wants Commission. Minister Wu Ting fang, digging up a is. in the treaty of 18S0, which p . vi rtbes away for the Chinese min-' ■ter to make representations to this i.trv oncoming the operations of . i -n, has written a letter to Sectary Hay protesting against the ex s- t, law as being too drastic, too nitrating to Chinese merchants and travelers, and so forth. He is pretty »■!! tip to date, ig Wu, He keeps h I :g specs well nibbed. He has i .ned that the appointment of a - on in the matter of the Nl- . a rag n a .anal has never failed to set tie whole project back two or more ' . a i s So fie proposes that the Unit- • • States appoint a commission to In- ' -i'c i't the subject of Chinese excluSeeKs Congressional Investigation. ir his letter. Minister Wu says: Appealing to the provision of Arti-I ■ ■ f of the treaty of ISSO. already cited. I think it proper and incumbent upon Congress, b* tore acting upon the question of new legislation, to examine yyth eare into the hardship suf’■•red by the- Chinese subjects, and that this examination can best be 1e by a commission, who will visit w hvalities in the United Stair's «ht e Chinese most largely oongregat< and the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands and by a personal investiga 1 t en axertain how the present laws 1 ird emulations affect the Chinese 1 r'l how their exclusion affects the , t altties in question I think such •n fstigation is due from Congress. ( ’ vew of the treaty stipulations, of t -ire of she Imperial Chinese > ' rtitnent anil of the great interests a i ' y if such a commission is I i ;Med I should hope that their report * «• satisfy Congress that further f • x M"n of Chinese from the United Sta 1 -- ... unnecessary. But if that dr 1 net occur, H ought to make plain to Congress that the present lawy» arc in violation of justice and him;unity and inflict upon the Chinese ( unnecessary hardships and indignities that they are not in harmony w th the treaties; that they work m- p

Jury to the interests of both countries, and shoo’d be materially modlt- i.” Mr Wu expresses the hope that President Roosevelt will transmit hit proposition to Congress with a favorable recommendation. Secretary Hay has sent the letter to Chairman Hilt of the House Committer- on Foreign Relations. Hitt was formerly opposed to Cbine«e exclusion. but has recently announced a change of heart, and now- says he will report the Pacific Coast bill and that It will undobutedly become a law. so far as the main features are concerned. WALTER E CLARK