Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 494, 11 January 1902 — Summary of Latest Foreign News [ARTICLE]
Summary of Latest Foreign News
Va. -j5 Ca ; ;f. s soon to have an electric railway. Th- .strikers at Barcelona Spain. now number 20.006. The epidemic of small pox at Randsburg. Cal., is abating Eight case* of diphtheria have been reported at Fresno. California The condition of R-ar-Admiral Sampson. Jan. 3. shows some improvement. Los Angeles will have its first ‘■malting plant within a period of two months. All of tbe Trolley wires in operation in Pittsburg. Pa . are to be put under ground. A route is being surveyed for the Burlington from Billings to Great Fails. Mont. It has been definitely learned that King Edward will personally open parliament. General Botha has sent a note to all B- er commandos, requesting them to keep on fighting. An open switch caused the Santa Fe Limited train west bound to leave the track at Barstow. Cal., on Jan. 3. The net receipts of the Harvard and Yale football game, at Cambridge. Mass., which were shared equally, were $18,518. The battleship Missouri was successfully launched at the shipyard at Newport News, Va.. in the presence of 15,000 people. General De Wet has ordered the Boer commandants to retard the work of extending the British blockhouses at any cost. The funeral of Mrs. Maude McCormick. daughter of Joaquin Miller, the "Poet of the Sierra." was held at the Miller home. Wild horse meat is the principal article of food for the section men on the desert districts of the railroads in Southern Utah. Six men were fatally wounded in a general fight at a small county church j at Piko postoffice, and a panic took place among the worshippers. Five insurgent officers and 175 men. with six cannon. 51 rifles and 17 shotguns. surrendered to the American authorities on the Island of Cebu. The first annual convention of the California Creamery Operators’ Asso nation was held at San Francisco, at
i which many practical hlea* of value were advanced. It is charged by a Philadelphia pa per that Mac lay's history of the Am erif-an Navy is still being used as a text b ok in the Nava! Academy at Annapolis. “Producers’ refinery." which will i use JO.''*"' barrels of crude oil month- > ly. insuring a much better price for petroleum, is soon to be es*ab!ished ’ at Los Angeles. ’ Four persons were killed ani 25 in--3 jured. some of them possibly fatally. in a collision on the Chicago and . Northwestern railroad at Malta. Ills., r • *5O miles west of Chicago. Mr and Mrs. Paul Theband of Madison avenue. New York, were robbed t of $30,000 worth oi jewelry by a vaUt named Kern, who had been in their • ; employ only two weeks. Spencer’s Arcade. Victoria's big department store, was gutted by fire and j 1 flooded with water. The loss is esti , mated at $250,000. and the insurance amounts to about $125,000, L Henry Claine. who for years held > the position of hangman for P a Ber- ; uardino county. Cal., died at Chino of, i lockjaw, the result of injuries received in a runaway accident recently. It is said that an important feature ; of the coronation ceremonies will be a naval review at Spithead on an unj precedentedly large scale, to which , foreign warships will be invited. Southern California was visited by a severe windstorm, and Riverside. • j : Ontario. Pomona. Corona and other places in that section report consider- | able loss to orchardists from fallen ; fruit. A cable to the New York Sun from ; Peking says an edict was published providing for a temple in Peking to | Li Hung Hitherto only Manchns. and not Chinese, have been thus honored. A diamond chain, valued at $:!.500. was shipped from Washington by a jewelry firm to Joseph Frankel & 1 Sons of New York, but when the package arrived at New York the chain was missing. Emperor Francis Joseph has order-' td the expulsion from Austria of the principals in the baccarat game of Dec. 21. when at the Vienna Jockey Club Count Potocki lost $500,000 during three hours’ playing. Count Pal > lavicini winning most of the money. i
• ' Governor John R. U gers of Wash 1 ;ngtoa. aft“r an illness of six days died at Olympia. He was born in j Brunswick. Me.. Sept. 4. IMS. being the greatgrandson of a Captain John Rogers, A watersprout burst oxvw the city of Salt* 4 . Morocco, and inundated ti.lower par. of the town for 12 hours -we, pi n g everything into th. • sea. Two hundred persons ar-- reported drowned. Judge Elliott of the district court of Hennepin county. Minn., granted a temporary order restraining the officers of the Northern Pacifi, company from retiring the preferred stock of that company. A Christmas tree load'd with inflammable ornaments caused a fire in Chicago that destroyed the Alexander apartment building, a six-story struc j ture. corner of Bowen and Cottage j Grove avenues. The loss will exceed $104,004. An explosion in the barrel mil! of the Moosic Powder Company at its Jermyn. Pa., works, blew the mill and some adjoining buildings to pieces and broke windows for miles around. Two persons were fatally injured, while others received cuts from fly- , ing debris. Colonel Firman's camp at Zeefontein. Orange River Colony, consisting of three companies of yeomanry and : two guns, was successfully rushed by 1.200 Boers under General De Wet. Six officers and 50 men were killed, eight officers wounded and four are missing. Captain Schoeffel. with a d-. tachment of 18 men of the Ninth Infantry, at Dapdo. island of Samar, was attacked by a large force of bolomen. A severe hand-to hand fight’ ensued, in which a sergeant, corporal and five ■ privates were killed. The interior department has issued instructions for the withdrawal of lands from settlements in Montana north and west of the Kootenai river. The order will involve 1.000.040 acres of land in Kalispell county, besides taking from the state of Idaho about 276.000 acres. A dispatch from Colon states that in a battle at Honda the Colombian insurgents were routed by the government troops. On the following morning. when 400 were found to have been killed, the insurgents retreated toward Guayaquil, taking their wounded with them.