Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — MUSIC AND DANCING AT HAWAIIAN HOTEL [ARTICLE]


GENUINE EVENING’S ENJOYMENT On Prettily Decorated Lanais. Topping Feet Dance to Melcdious Air* From the Quintette C>ub—, Hotel Management. The Saturday evening hop glv-n at the Hawaiian Hotel yesterday even ing. while sparingly attended, was nevertheless most delightful, and proved a decided social success. The melody from the Hawaiian Quintette Club lent added charms to the pitasures of *he dance. Through-, out the evening, genuine enjoyment reigned supreme. Th spacious lanais were prettily decorated with leis of green and myriads of brilliant electric lights. Delightful informal converse was assayed by those who were disinclined to dance. Music and merriment held full sway until a late hour. When the happy party dispersed to their several homes, they voted the Hawaiian Hotel management the prince of ent* rtainers.