Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — MUSICAL RECITAL AT KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOL FOR GIRLS [ARTICLE]
Program of Namerons Vocal and Instrumental Selections Well Rendered. CHORDS OF ABOUT THIRTY GIRLS Large Number of Classical Pieces are Performed by the School People. Results of Careful and Thorough Training Shown —Evening Much Enjoyed by the Audience —Halt Prettily Decorated With Flowers and Filled With Interested People. The pupils’ recital which took place last night at the Kamehameha Girls’ School was a great success and was most thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. The recital took place in the large hall in the mauka wing of the building. The hall was tastily decorated with flowers and greens and was packed with* people. The recital does great credit to the good and thorough instruction which the pupils had evidently received. A glance at the program shows by such names as Beethoven. Meubelsisohn. Grieg and Rubinstein that solid classical music has been taught instead of the modern technical fireworks which take the places of the old masters at many places. The Evening's Program. The complete program was as follows; 1. Boh in. Piano Duet. Polonaise.. The Dance King Bertha Peiler, Miss Byington. 2. Mendelssohn chorus — (a) Greeting. (b) Fair Tinted Primrose A Class. J. Bohm, Piano Trio. Festival March Zelie Lima, Hattie Jotna, Bertha Peiler. 4 Zimmerman. Chorus.. Fairy Chorus A Class. 5. Grieg Piano Solo Alhumblalt Alice Muller. 6. (a) Mendelssohn. Song - On Music's Wing (h) Lyman. Song.. My Sweetheart 7. Beethoven. Duet... .Melody in D. Piano. Clara Smith. Organ. Miss Byington. 8. Flanquette, Chorus. ..Chimes of Normandy. Legend of the Beils. Kamehameha Choir. 9. Raff—Piano Quartette. Lenore Symphony March 1. Piano. 2. Piano. Katie Sadler. Miss Byington. Elizabeth Vannatta. Miss Aholo. 10. Sullivan arr.—Chorus The Lost Chord
A Class. 11. Rubinstein. Piano Du f t. Nocturne Elizab-th Vannatta. Katie Sadler. 12. Bullard. Cborus Hush Hush. A Class. K. G. S. Call. Excellent Chorus Although the instrumental selections were well rendered, the choruses were decidedly the most enjoyable features of the The best one was possibly the “Legend of the Belles." from the “Chimes of Nor mandy." which was rendered by both female and male voices. The first choruses of the program “Greeting" and "Fair Tinted Primrose" were also well rendered by about thirty of the girls. The fine voices which generally accompany a strain of native blood, together with the careful and thorough training which they have received from the musical instructor Miss Byington. with the perfect modulation and accurate tune made these choruses such as are seldom heard in Honolulu.
Charming Entertainment. The “Fairy Chorus” by Zimmerman rendered by the fail chorus of girls, was a very pretty thing indeed, as was also “The Lost Chord." by Sullivan. and Bullafd's “Hush, Hush.” Upon the whole the ensemble of charms of the evening, the beautiful singing, the many handsome girls • dressed In while who were seated on the platform, and the tasty floral dec ’ orations made last night's rec*tal an event that will not be easily forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to attend.