Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — THE WOMEN OF INDIA. [ARTICLE]


Education, Marriags and Widowhood to Be Discussed at Calcutta. j From the New York Tribune. A confidence will be held at Cal- | cutt* this winter, at which Lord Cnr- * ion has consented to preside, where matters of great interest to womanhood the world ov-r. and of special ; imp-: trance to women in the far -ast. will be discussed. | Three questions will com- up for i con- i-ration before this cpnf-r*>t»ce. First, tee raising of the age limit for marriage anting the natives. The age for gi-1? b p « i» from eight to Bin* w; - h :• n for the maximum Ac i cording to the Shastra sacred wri ting* of the Hindoos, if a girl attains - marriageable age while still an an married inmate of her father's house • that girl is an outcast, and should ,be treat -d as s-uca In that w arm I climate early developments -are the rule, so it is not ucccmmi n to see mothers of thirteen, and consequent i It, grandmothers of ies- than thirty One result of this early enforced maternity has b a lamentable j physical deterioration of the race, attended by other consequences more subtle, but no less serious. The second t -pic that will engage the attention of tat- conference is th" abolition of compulsory celibacy among Indian and Mahometan widows. Although the prartice of “suttee." the burning alive of widows on the husband's fun* ral pyre, was formally! abolished by the Indian government in 1835. on the plea that it was “culpable homicide." it has not been possible to legislate successfully against the more bitter punishment meted ; out to those unfortunate women, who :a becoming widows lose all social rights, are deprived of their orna , ments. compelled to assume the coarsest and scantiest of clothing, to fill the most menial positions In the household and to be physically dis-! figured. The third question which will come ;p is of the education of the Indian women. As matters stand now. such .-duration as they receive terminates ' with their marriage, and. as that must take place before they enter •heir teens, at least in the case of a Hindoo girl, it is really seen that it must be of a very superficial and j primary character.