Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — KILOHANA MUSICALE [ARTICLE]


10 BE IT CASTLE MAMA HOME FINE VOCAL AND INSTRLWENTAL SELECTIONS BY BEST LOCAL TALENT. Member* of Art League to E n joy VuS'cal Evem-g at Beautiful Valley Reaiderce—Extra Electric Car* Will Take Visitor* Up Hilt Wher e Guides Will 5-cv» Way. The musical nr' !- if the Kilobana j Art League will Rive a no asi os. le on j Mocday evening. January 20. at 8j I" k at the horn* of Mrs. S N Cas , tie Pnuokoma. In Mfcnoa valley. Thej trolley-vars from Pucahon are to ran; fi the valley at ten minutes intervale between 7;15 and 7:55 in the evening. At Hillside avemjp Japan < guides and an o<'-astonal lantern will dirert the guides up Castle Hill. The following program will be giv ; en Caprtccla. itwo piano-) Gnrliti Miss El.-ner and Miss Cast'e. The Dream, (violin obligato) ... Men-adante Annis Montague Turner. <7 ndcliera LisztMrs. W. 1., Whitney. M> Memories Paolo Tosti, Mr. H F Wiehman. Mignon Liszt Annis Montagu- Turner. Sotiat, op 13 ipiano and violin)... Grieg Lente Doloroso. Allegro Vaqe, Allegretto Tranquillo Allegro Animato. Mr. J. A, Amnu and Miss Cattle. This musicale is sure to be one ot it- most delightful events of the -»-on. Those who have had an op port unity to enjoy Mltf Castle'a n ■ r-tiily Maebel' -'s Concerts" know the ( harm-- of a musical-' at that place and these who have not previously • nji >.-d such an opportunity i an look ward to a mi vt delightful evening. Thi music room in the Castle resl•mV has be* n fitted out with much -kill and care with the result that nut ev**a the slight -t touch of music played "scap*-* the listener who is M-ated in one of the large adjoining mims from the windows of which the moat splendid views if the val ; ley. the plains and far in -.he hack ground tho blue Pacific, can be had A*- Monday evening will he a moon light one the w*ather Is fair, the vi-ws of the scenery will lie more beautiful than ever and those who attend the concert will be able to enjoy the doubled ddight for the car and for the eye.