Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — Miss Campbell is the Bride of Prince David [ARTICLE]

Miss Campbell is the Bride of Prince David

j SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 4.—Pudc- ,. tuaiiy at noon today Archbishop Riordan. who was assisted by Father Ran.m of the Cathedral, united in matrimony Miss Abigail pampb*!! of San Jose and Prince David Kawananakoa of Honolulu. The ceremony was performed under a canopy of ferns and white roses in the ma n parlor of the Occidental Hotel. Only a few relatives and guests of the : bride and groom were present, ab j though there was a large gathering , in the corridors of the uninvited,l most of them resident* of the Intel, who viewed the wedding procession and stole a peep at the ceremony. It was five minutes before noon wb»»n the decorators withdrew from ■ the parlor and the servants finished j sweeping and dusting. Prince David and his attendants had one room and the bride and her attendants an- | other: the guests had several rooms, and an apartment was reserved for the Archbishop and Father Ramrn. As the noon hour struck Major j Hooper sent word that all was ready. { The bridal procession formed qaick- | iy. Earnest Parker, son of Colonel Sam Parker, led the way with P:in~e David. Mr. Ryland of San Jo?e ,s-

corted the brid", wto i- a tall and ; comely Hawaiian girt, and who was . attired In a beautiful gown of white lace and wore a large white hat with a f-atber. Behind the bride walked Colonel Sam Parker and hi- bride, who is the mother of Prince David s bride. The ceremony in the parlor was very simple. There was no marie. Prince David and Miss Campbell stocfd before the Archbishop. On the right of the Prince was Earnest Parker and on the left of the bride Miss Anita Chrystal of Honolulu, her most sntimatc girl friend. Judge J. C. B Hebbard of this city. Judge George Gear and Ju Ie- Davis of Honolulu. B F. Dillingham of Honolulu and the younger members of the Parker and Campbell families stood about the bridal pair. Not more than fifteen others were in the parlor. After the ceremony all the rela tlvcs kissed the bride an.! congratu-' lated the groom. There was a wedding breakfast before which forty persons sat down. The two bridal pairs. Colonel Sam Parker and his wife, and Prince David and his wife, accompanied by Judge Davis, will depart tomorrow by the Santa Fe for Washington. D. C.