Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — STEAMER BRISTOL IS WRECK IN ALASKA [ARTICLE]


STRIKES ROCK AND GOES DOWN. Bristol Bound to Douglas Island— Crew Takes to Boats—Wrecked Sailors Rescued by Cottage City —Two Men Lest Their Lives. PORT TOWNSEND. Wash . Jan. 9. —The tseamer Topeka, from the north, this morning brought the survlvors of the wrecked steamer Bristol. which on the night of January 2 struck the Gray island Reef, off Guild*.- Island, near Dixon Entrance. On board the Topeka w*-re twentyone survivors of the crew of twentyeight. \mong the survivors was Chief Offi. er W. Smith, w ho gives the following account of the wreck; "The Bristol sailed from Ladysmith December 31 with 2.460 tons of coal for the Treadwell mine, on Douglas Island, and during the voyage a strong southeast wind prevailed. Everything went well until the night of January 2. when the weather set in thiek. with a high -ea running, and at 2 a.m. the reef was struck. “The boats were immediately lowered and kept in readiness on the port side. All hands remained by the -hip until 6 a.m.. when she careened to the starboard and shook heavily indicating that she was about to go to pieces or slide off. Captain McIntyre ordered all hands to the boats. "The flrst boat to get away was lifeboat No. 4, with fourteen men. in charge of Second Officer Worsen No. 2 was next, with four men. in charge of Third Officer D. O. White. Chief Officer Smith was washed overboard by a high sea. but was picked up. These boats were carried at the terry of the wind and waves in a northwesterly dire* tion, "The last seen of Captain Mclntyre* Pilot Roberts Chief Engineer Vivian. Second Engineer Edwards. Oiler Hurlbut. Second Steward Roemer and Seaman Silva they were proparing to leave the ship in a boat, but it is thought that their boat was carried down by the suction when the ship slid off the reef and plunged to the bottom. Some hours later the Cottage City picked up the boat containing fourteen men, and after cruising for some time picked np th* other boaL She then went to the s*oae of the wreck, but found no vestige of either the ship or the boat contain-

In* Captain Mclntyre and the others.” The Cottage City tanked the survivors at Ketchikan. where th-r boarded the Topaka and were brccght to this place.