Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — SHIPPING ACTIVE AT ALL MAUI PORTS [ARTICLE]
QUICK TRIP FROM NEWCASTLE Steamer Eureka Quickly Discharges Cargo at Kahului and Will Sail for Seattle on Monday—Vessels Sailing w th Scrap Iron Cargoes. ’ S-.. ;\t CoBKEsro.VK.7tCX-] WAILFKI'. Jan IT. —The schooner Jamr’s Rolph. Captain Edwardsen, 1 arnvt-d at Kahului with a cargo of '•*u tons of coal. on Tuesday. Jan 15.' ic days, from Newcastle. Captain Ed-1 wardsen reports an uneventful trip. . H<- spoke the Inca in a ealni afterj being out a few weeks. The Itua was bound for Honolulu, and had left i Newcastle before the James Rolph.! I e Jan - Rolph will probably -tart to discharge her cargo the early part of next w-ek. The steamer Eureka. Captain Weed i ' n. arrived at Kahului on Thursday! n rn ng. She was met outside of th-‘ harbor b' Pilot English who steered h r with -af-ry to her mooring.-. She, immediately commenced to discharge i h r cargo of lime. She will tak on, -• veral hundred tons of scrap iron) which i- b-ing shipped by Robert Wlnkb-tnan. The Eureka will prole, ably ieav* for Seattle on Sunday, cr' more lik< !y on Monday morning. Tie s ( hooner Stanley. Captain) Shmalta.-bdi Kahului last Wednesday morning in tow of the Tug Leslie Baldwin. She is bound for Hana where she will discharge the balance ot her redwood lumber. The barkeatine Quickstep. Captain Mellin. went to sea with a pan cargo of scrap iron on Friday morning Sht e'ear-d for Tacoma. The bark W. B. Flint. Captain Johnson. •lid not a-1 away this week as mentioned in last week's report. She i '• ill probably leave on Saturday night I in tew of th» Claudim. At least this 1 is the desire of Captain Johnson, herj veteran skipper. Th Antiope will he fully discharg'd of h‘r coal cargo either on Saturday night or on Monday. She haalreadj taken in ballast in order to! keep her afloat, and the prospects are i fhat she will leave for Oyster Harbor on n* \t Wednesday in tow of the Clandiae. The Edward May. Hansen, which is now at Kihei. will come around to Kahului. to take on a load of sugar for San Franeisco.