Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — GOVERNOR DOLE IS MUCH SHOCKED ON HEARING THE NEWS [ARTICLE]


I Wh-n Governor Dole was informed last night of the serious si* kness of Delegate Robert Wiicox in Washing ton. he surprise and great concern, saying that he was sorry to learn of the Delegate's illness, expressing the hope that the next mail would bring word that he was very much better. Asked in regard to the steps which would be taken to elect a Delegate to Washington in the event of the death of Delegate Robert Wilcox, the Got.tnor said that that was a matter which would require a considerable amount of study and a question which could not be settled off hand. Election of a Successor. ■'There-is no provision for such an emergency." said the Governor, “and I can hardly say at the present timwhat would be done in. such a case. I sincerely hope that we will not be confronted with any such question. I hope that Mr. Wilcox will fully recover his h**al»h and I deeply regret that he is ill." "Would a special election be called to elect a new Delegate, in the event of Mr. Wilcox's death?" "That I cannot say. Mr. Wilcox was elected at the general election. Even then, some question came up afteiward as to whether the election was regular or not: whether the Delegate should not have been elected in somother way. As to what would be donin the sad event of the death of Delegate Wilcox is more than I can say at the present time. Such an even* would be an emergency that would have to be met in some way by fhc Territory It is regrettable that theris no provision covering such a contingencj . “Does Mrs. Wilcox know of her husband's serious illness? If she has not heard from him. be careful how yon tell her. for it w»!l be very hard for her."