Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

IT IS LIKE FINDING MONEY A, £Jvf / * The Extra 0 Tli»‘ Extra Wear * *- The all round satisfaction you get from wearing a pair, of these 'iigh grade, perfection shoes. When you buy anything, and are satisfied with it. you feel happy «ith everything in the world. Toucan only achieve this by wearotj a pair of HANAN S high grade shoes. IVlGlnerny’s Shoe Store. Me.N TYRE BLOCK. Wiiil raiicr Over Thirty Thousand Rolls to be Sold at a discount of 25 per CENT Less than former prices. w A la la p A p E P i s A la B Wall Paper For the next Thirty Days. All new designs AND new goods. The M Jade Faint and fall Paper Co., 116 Bethel Street. PHONE 62. 1 THE KASH CO., LTD "t TODAY Iwcoincs another yesterday, tomorrow will become another today. don't wait for tomorrow but COME TODAY (tore iron fow sensible suggestions for Holiday Gifts: Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Silk Hose, Underwear, Shirts. Pajamas, Ties. All the above an t many more useful gifts are to be had at The Kash Co., Ltd. TWO STORES—TWO STOCKS. P. 0. Box 558. * TELEPHONES; Main 90 and Main 378 23 and 27 Hotel Street and Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.' <*oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'' % *T» id I 'I; L % 3 30 in. l4 lbs. Rails 36 in. Guage 20 lbs. Bails §j: 9 ! FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. —BY—II. Had 9i ! I U ’J 4 ■ ■ * .. 000<X>00<X)<XX><><X>0O0CKXX>000<X>C>0C<>C0OO<><X>C>0<>