Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — Her Electric Spark. [ARTICLE]
Her Electric Spark.
E “Miiu*r The young lineman twirled his hat to 1 hla hands lu an agitated manner and l (poke In a voice that seemed to hare a tendency to get away from him. "Millie, the fact Is I—l—there's something I've been wanting to tell you a long time, but 1 can't seem to fetch It. When you look at me like that, you know. It breaks me all up. I've been coming here so long that I oughtn't to be afraid. 1 reckon, but—hut you know how it is—or maybe you don’t either. I thought 1 could say it all right when I came in. hut you're n little the liveat wire 1 . vrr—l didn't think it would be •o hard when I” Here he came to a dead stop. "Millie.'' he exclaimed in desperation, ‘Tin short circuited! I've burned I out a fuse!” “Jerry, are you trying to ask mo to ■ marry you?” “V-yes!” “Why, of course 1 will, you foolish . boy!" And love's current Bowed uuohstructedly again, lighting up with its pure radiance the rose embowered pathway that, etc.—Chicago Tribune.