Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — MOHICAN TARS ARE GIVING WORK TO POLICE [ARTICLE]


LIVELY TIMES ON WATERFRONT Sailor* Who Overstayed Leave Try to Drown Officers—Reward Offered for Return on Board—Large Party on Shore. The waterfront police had a busy day yesterday rounding up a dozen sailor* of the training ship Mohican who had overstayed their leave. Rewards had been offered by Captain Cow den for their return aboard and this proved a good stimulant to the local officers. The rewards being paid to the police are being taken out of the pay of the sailors, and the tars have made up their minds to give the officers a run for their money. About 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon six sailors in charge of a police offi cer left the boat landing in a rowboat. bound for the Mohican. From the time they left the boat landing until they came alongside the train mg ship the life of the officer was not worth an old Hawaiian penny. The tars divided themselves, on both sides of the boat, and. sitting on the gunwale, had a little fun at tiie officer's expense by swinging the boat A large crowd gathered on the wharves and for fully an hour witnessed the most exciting trip that was ever made by a boat in Honolulu harbor. The police officer, seated at the stern of the boat, did not dare to move, and Mthen off the Wilder's wharf shouted for help. Another of ficer on duty along the waterfront jumped into one of the Star of Bengal’s boats and went to the help of bis brother on the force. His arrival however did not simplify matters but made them worse. The boat under the swinging of the sailors rolled worse than ever and a disaster was expected at any moment by the spoliators on shore. After an hour of hard work the party finally reached the Mohican, w here the sailors were turned over to the officers of their ship to be dealt i

with according to the rules and regulations of the United States Navy, sailors landed at the boat landing on sailors landed on the boat landing on shore leave, and it is their turn to have a good time and worry the police.