Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 506, 25 January 1902 — FLORENCE DELAYED BY ALLEGED SPITE WORK [ARTICLE]


MATE VAN DYKE IS ACCUSED. Captain Spicer is a Disgusted Man. Claims that His Officer Vents Spite Because He Was Refused His Discharge. • A disgusted man along the waterfront yesterday was Captain Spicer of the ship Florence. His vessel was ready to go to sea, but was unable to do so on account of the presence of some of his crow being reefuired in •ho police court. Subpoenas were served yesterday morning on the mate, carpenter and two sailors of the Florence as witnesses in the case of J Van Dyke, second mate of the vessel, against Olat Olsen. John Johansen and a third sailor accused of assault and battery Captain Spicer claimed that the whole case was simply one of spite work on the part of Van Dyke, because Van Dyke's request for his dis- • 'tfige had been denied. It appears that Van Dyke wantel !■.-> be paid off here Captain Spicer said that he would not pay the man until after the cargo had been dis charged and the ballast loaded in the ship Van Dyke became angry and brought the charge against the three sailors who. it was alleged had struck him because be was a union man and they were non-union sailors. After the case had been disposed of in the police court yesterday afternoon and the sailors were released. Van Dyke was paid off by Captain Spicer and the Florence will probably go to sea today.