Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 3, 9 November 1901 — TOPICS OF THE DAY. [ARTICLE]
Our road supervisor, J. T. Loyd, deserves a great deal of credit for what he has accomplished. The extension of Beretania street had been practically impassable after every shower ever since its opening - . Now one can travel over it in comparative comfort, and thus avoid the dangers of the most congested portion of King street —that is, just Ewa of the Nuuanu stream bridge. But the road needs a coat of macadam, and when our Superintendent of Public Works settles wth the Bo< rd of Health, the material will be forthcoming to enable our efficient - road supervisor L o properly finish that much needed thoroughfare. The portion of Beretania street between the river and Nuuanu street looks smooth and inviting to "both drivers and bicyclists. It is not yet opened to public traffic An evening contemporary does not seem to realize the fact that iron becomes hard when it is tempered, or that a donkey becomes more stubborn at a ditch when spurs are freely applied to its sides, otherwise it would cease tormenting the Republican Central Committee. Go easy, brother. The slighted young Hawaiians will yet realize that they are among strange friends and will return to where they belong. We cannot give credit to a street rumor or any kind of a rumor that no extra session of the Legislature will be called unless the Republican candidate at the coming, special election is elected. For if the calling of an extra session of the Legislature depends upon the success of a Republican candidate at a special election in any district of this Territory, it is two to one no exlra session will ever be called. The only "Spendthrift Magoon" has a second in the person of George R. Carter. Papers have been filed in the First Circuit Court, signed by Willie A Hall, asking the removal of Geo. R. Carter as his guardian under a spendthrift trust decree issued by the court on account of his expensive habits He declares that "Geo. R Carter is not his friend, or in any way related to him, and no reason exists why Geo R Carter should be continued as guardian."
War clouds are hovering over Kurope, and the friendly relations that have hitherto existed between France and Turkey are on the point of being ruptured and hostilities begun. With the present rains and the great increase in the number of saloons of late, JTonolulu bids fair to rival Tlilo as a ?vet city In a dispatch dated Ann Arbor, Mich « Nov i, it is said Wu Ting Fang, Chinese at Washington, delivered an address before 4,000 students of the university that night, in the course of which he admitted that "the Government of China is a relic of the past." The thirty-seven members of the Bar Association here may console themselves with the fact that the heathen Chinaman has made a precedent for their admission the other night that their attempts to have Judge Humphreys removed were a fail l e, and could therefore openly and honestl declare the same but relics of the past cor utions, reared and nurtured under an oligarchical form of government.