Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 4, 1 February 1980 — He Ono A Na Kupuna [ARTICLE]

He Ono A Na Kupuna

MalenaUi 1. Fiah Swordfish» mai:liuand ahi vvere used on the Hokule'a» but akule, opelu. aku» menpaehi • i i

and u u ean also be used. Other less commonly used fish include: weke^aweow r eo, palani, nenue, kala and taape, 2 Screen boxes - Instead of drying fish on hot elean stones as the old Hawaiians practiced screen boxes ean be used. Wood frame drying boxes consisting of 3 screen racks; one to lay the fish on (made with poultry netting or ehieken wirej and the others (made with fine meshed screen) above and below are used to house the fish while drying, These boxes (of any dimensiou] allow air to circulate around the fish while protecting them from flies and other vermin» 3. Salt - Hawaiian salt (preferably white) and if desired, other flavorings such as ehili pepper or teriyaki sauce may be used. Hawaiians in the past rubbed the fish blood into the flesh for flavor and oolor» 4. Covered container large enough lo soak the fish in. * 5* Fish knife» elean aud sharp.