Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 4, 1 February 1980 — Ka Ho'olaule'a La Hanau no George Palakiko William Hookano [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Ka Ho'olaule'a La Hanau no George Palakiko William Hookano

71st Birthday Party for George Hookano by Thelma Chun, Hoolaule'a Ukulele Ciub

The Hoolaule'a Ukulele Club honored their Advisor-Instructoi% "Uncle M George Palakiko William Hookano on his 71st birthday, The e\ ent was held on Saturday, January 19,1980, fivedays prior to his actual birthday. C!ub members, members of the Hawaii Go\ - ernment Employees Asbociation, Royal Hawaiian Band members, memheii from the Moiliili Community Center, mfembep of George Hookano*s Kamaainas (his old;orche|tra) and friends gathered at the Pikake Room ot the Neal S. Blaisdell

Center in Honolulu for this even{. They were }oined by George's own family and special friends. One of them was Mrs. Helen Kapaka who eame from Kauai to celebrate her neph@w's bkthdai and then after midnight it was her 95th birthda} It was said that she has been George's inspiration for continuing our Hawaiian traditions. Music was the Royal Hawaiian Band under bandmaster Ken Kawashima aud later during the program by Mr. & Mrs. Keith Haugen and "Auiity" Genoa Keawe and her musicians. . . He was born 011 Jauuary 24* 1903 in Lihue. Kauai to William and Maria iOpunui) Hookano, He was one of their 22 children, In 1925, George was sent to the Waialee Bpy's Trainiu£ School ai Kahuku, here ou Oahu. It was at Uie School where Georse his serious study and appreciation of niusic uuder Albert Kane. He did not want toreturn tq Kauai because of Ihe educaiiou and traiiiins he received at the School, Kemainiu^

here on Oahu lead him to study under the famous Austrian bandmaster, Henn Berger and this subsequent!y earned him 3 position with*the Royal Hawaiian Band under Mr. Berger and then with Major Mekia Kealakai. George has taken*only a short !eave of absence from the Band and his dedication has earned him 50 years of service, He stil! remains as their master of ceremonf(SS even though he is retired. George has nine children: George W; Mrs. Stanley (Elaine) Kuloloia of Honolulu and Mrs. Dona!d (Audreyj Kalehuawehe of Maui from his first marriage. Mrs Georgiana Kahalehoe, Mrs. Winona Aglin and E!izabeth of Honolulu; Samuel of Texas, Stan!ey of Honolulu and Steven of Los Angeles from his marriage to.Ethel (Nunez) s who George proudly says is Amenean Tndlan, Hawaiian, Irish and French. George was a!so honored by a surpri2e vis!t% Governor George R,.Ariyoshi and Mrs. Ariyoshi; a resolution from the State House of Represen-

tatives, message from Honolulu Mayor Frank F, Fasi presentedby.Mr. Harry Bocaiiian of the City and County Civil Service Department and a personal message givenby Keith Haugen. Joaquin Lum s a relired meniber of the Honolulu Poliee Department played the role of master of ceremonies in helping \vith these presentations, Mid-way thru the program and Hawaiian dinner (kalua pig, short ribs, lomi salmon ( ehieken long rice t luau squid, ajujpoke, kim ehee* kulolo» haupia, poi, rice and other delicious foods] a birthday eake vvith 72 candles \vas escorted by members holding long sparklers while all three hundred members and friends sang their best wishes to George, The Club gave hun a koa wood pig board as their gift to whieh GeQrge remarked, "I wish I was young" 3gain . . so I ean go surfingJ" | Thore \va.< a lot of siiigm& danciiig and laughter a!l in celebration of George Hookano andfor his contrlbutions to our <jomniuiiity.

(1) George Palakiko William Hookano. (2) Violet Kamano, Hooiaule'a Ukulele Club. (3) George with birthday ca£ē. (4) Mr fr Mrs. Henry Young, Hoolaule'a Ukulele Club. (s)Leftto right: Mrs. Hookano, Mrs. Ariyoshi, George Hookano and Governor Ariyoshi. (6)"He Aloha no o Honolulu." (7) Mr. & Mrs. George Hookano. (8) George with ,his Aunt Heien Kapaka.