Ke Alahou, Volume I, Number 9, 1 September 1980 — Voting Information for The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees Election November 4, 1980 [ARTICLE]

Voting Information for The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees Election November 4, 1980

Hawaiians who have registered by October 6, 1980 may vote in the pHA Election on Tuesday, November 4, from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the same time and place as the regular General Election. The Polling Place When you get to the polling place, be sure to stand in the correct line. Voters registered for the General Election and OHA stand first in the regular General Election lines. Go to the OHA Poll Book station after you receive your General Election ballots. Voters registered for only the OHA Election go directly to the OHA Poll Book line. Sign the Poll Book and receive a sealed packet containing three OHA ballots. In the voting booth, open the packet and read the instructions on the ballots. Three OHA Ballots There will be two ballot cards marked A, which will hold the names of the eighty candidates running for the four at-large seats (no island residency required). You are to vote for not more than four. Look at both sides of the two cards before you punch your four choices. There will be a third ballot card marked B, which will contain the names of the candidates for each of the five island residency seats. Voters on all islands may vote for not more than one candidate from each of the five islands: Hawai'i, Kaua'i, Maui, Moloka'i and O'ahu. Be sure to look at both sides of the ballot and to vote for not more than one candidate from each island. Every- OHA voter may vote for a total; of nine candidates, four at-large, and one from each of the five islands. If you vote for more candidates than allowed in any category, your vote'in that race will not be counted. Mark your choices with the ballot punch, and replace the ballots in the packet. Take the packet to the official who will deposit your packet and give you a receipt.