Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 31, 5 November 1936 — "The American Way Of Life Is Being Challenged"--Landon [ARTICLE]
"The American Way Of Life Is Being Challenged"--Landon
(At West Midclksox, Pa., Augr. 22, 1936) Preliminary announcement issutd hj Siandarc 'i • Co. sLc' *s - f jrt, favo I ** d dend f333) dyrm C »cn f f i- mber than in anv month 1n t,he past six years. Compaied v> t' V2 In August and 130 in September, 1935. "Nation-wide of steel ingots for the first week of October," as anounccd by The New Vork Times in a dispatch from Pittsburgh, "was estimated here at 76 per cent of capacity, the highest- since September, 1929." M. E. Coyle, president of the Chevrolet Moto Co., announeed Oct. • 6 expenditure of $26,000,000 in retooling, installing new and re-arranging plants, P. W. Wooiworth Co. annoimeed Oct. 7 their September sales ōf $23.433,705 were "the largest recorded for any September in the company's history." Tliē Associated Press index of electric power production, wlth 1929-39 taken as 100, advanced for the week ended Oct, 3 t-o 117.3 from 116.9 the previous week, eont'pared with 101.6 for the first ueok of October last year. ; Federal Rescrve Board announced Oet 6 there had not beevi a sir.g!c of a national bank since September 28, last ycar. breaking a record
The postmaster o£ New Yoric of. inQre than 55,.years. , City disclosed Oct. 7 an Increase of 23% per cent īn tJie recelpts hOf the office for the three" months iast year; haled by fi[uaaeial writers as dependafele I barometers of recovery prq|xess. Poor's Investment Adyi^)'ry,' S'ervice reported Oct. 6: "Com~ •parlsons wlth a year ago reveal advances of 52 per cent in steel output, 167 per cent in autoraobile production, 11.1 per c§nt,ip, commercial loans. Mor§ outstanding ls the strength of neavy !nflustry, althou%h. current evi4efece poiiits to a continuation of |retall trsu!e at levels well al>ove ithe correspondinjg 1935 period."