Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 2, 15 September 1880 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
[£?" Thc buildiag of the ChiueG2 ehueeh ou li'ortstrest, niauka of Beretenia-street. io proRrcesiug rapidly. [27° Tho montUIy msoting of the Ladies' Beneyor .lent Sooioty of Fort Streeī Church will be held on Ttscrcdoy evening, uhen the precence of gentlemen r.cā of any Gtrangers intorested in the good woi'k of the Society is invited. j27"° The nnme ot A. F. Judd. our L*'irsl ,Vsso. ciate Justite, uppears ol laie uttache<i io :i good lieal ol' pi'inl, nhoui iu.itters not iii !iis līii-* . hiioIi ;is linanee aud he;ilth ; umi lastly iu rijli'veiit<' ' o a matier ol history, uhoul whioli lu* :it>h.>lircly knowa nothiug. Tli<'r,Tudge "'iunlu :o re;id up. 2/" Minister Bush has his huuds full w i f h two ,lepartmeats in charge. Those however who huve had -oeeaaion to transact hiieiueea with eitlier depurcment have found that these alfairs nre attended to witli u roady apprecition of essentiuls and protnpt <iespatch. Moreover they havo not beeu slack .in conimending Buch busiuess like style. T — 27° Oiio of tbe liop0H„<i! <jur pluntiTs' in i'.e-. speoi to hibor.'is un iinmi»iution ot freedm<*n' frota th<! Unii<'d StaU's, or moie lilīely from Katii-u.-. Mr. Bailey. we uudei'Stand. hus visil<'d Kansus, with u view to div<'rt u poni'on'ol the greui eoloied exodus to thin Archipelugo. We shull be giud ■to hear of the ivsiilt of liis ri-pt'esentiitions and persu&sionfl — of eoiUHe we only want .lnhoīei'p, and not volers — us now desired in ICunsus and Lndianft. _ 27° Membcrs of tlie new Bourd of IIealth are . reininded af nuiaaneea, that existed dniing the in^ ■cumbency- of their predecessors, and were overlooked or neglectedj»y thcm. Howc.v.er,.that is all right. ; it.is the duty of the new men to alleiul to the neglected duties of thoae who went before ; and 80 will tlie new regime in other 'deparlmonts, aa weil un that of heiilth aoek to atnend the negligenceB or inalfeasnncef< of the past. ' 27° Tlie lleHident * (Jovernment . I*hyHiciari at Kohalu han. we undēr8tand, uddresH('d a eonomnnieulion to the Bourd of Ileullh, urging th« necebsit.y (or ii brunch hoHpilul in thifl diBtric't. Many casen havo uriHen during lii.i practice thore whieh could not be neut to Honolulu, and whieh eoulil not be proi»orly treuted exoept iu o hoopitul. Ho tondiira iii<i ov;n (;;:!.*viceB gratuitouuly to aoolnt in the manr'cempnt of oueli un inotitutiou. feeling thut th<i nooeenUien both of the Huwaiinn popu1ntiou and'of ■ of the io:iidicrnnt lnborern rendor it t> iit)oeconry ■thing.
Wiiter displays the ability or non-ability of ! roftd-supervisors, especially when distributcd witii a generous linnd from abovo. ' i EP Col; Claus Spreckcls. Ii,is we uiiderslan<l, : -pBĪd:-#l'0."0'00,,uto IIit Hii»hiiess Keelik'olaiīī āi "a'; "quit olaim. t<o quiet th<* title to his. ,large interests 1 on Muui. • I 2?'" H. H- Ki'kuulike ib<*' newly. .apnoioted j j (xOverH<'HS "of llawaii, left vest<*rday on tlie I.ike- j j like lor a circuit of Huwuii. Slie„relufns henee j i in aboltt one month's lime. 27" H. 1L. II. Llliuokalaui Dominis took passage on the sti*ainer Mokolii. to visif th<* district. of Haiiu. luiiding ul Kipaluilu. She waa entluifliastically ri*ceived by the people. 27" Mesoro. Payne & Xavier, thaumauturgiato, neoromancors, and jugglorc, are billed to give their opening porformance at tho Boyal Hawaiian Theatre on the evening of the 16th inst., to'be continued on tlie uext following eveniugc, the 17th and 18th. » . — 27° H. f5. M.S. Peliean left September 11 fqr Coquiinbo, Clii[i, taking i<ī en route quite a number of.'Soiith Sea Islands. She is e.\pected to be at Coquirabo, on elie 2lst of Dec«mber. The-Peu-guin is the next F.irglish mfi,n-of-war dr,e. i • __ ^ 27° Inimigration husTit*retofore on ;iccuiiut of som'ejobs been rūther ■■.■<>« tly to tbe eoim try . It'is i :o be boped thut it is about to be e irrie<i on now I under raore eeonomiea1 aiispices. We believe that i imraigrants ffūtn Sonih Sea' fsituids oug!n noi to j cosf more tlian tw<'Lify-live dollars per iiea<i tcr : land h<'re. " 1 2/° kumoL'H ol new .Miiii>tiU's ctop o:i: every j hour — bul we fe<:l warrunteil in s;iyihg thai o» :iow j appointnierit t<> tiie Ūahiiiei ii;<s be<'ii maeie i;p to ! tbis t"inie : but we venLUie t<> .say lliul a 'ge.':tl(.'m;lii, j not now here,- umi wliom. w.- i.hink, wiil .nL,jsly | eai'ioiiH nli;ides ol' opinion.'will .-.hortly bc i!ivife<l j by Ili- Mujvsty <o t;ike a purt m tiie Govi'riin)eiit. ; — . _ ; 0/" i'he liotiing laee. w!ridi tuok piaee ;U K.iI pīolani Purk <mi i;ihi S:uui<]ay. ihe lllh instuiu. Hhas.won by T. ■Al_*LL*liand's' 01ivei, !)<*aring H._J. i "Ag!H:vv's Co<iiiiio<ioi'<', in ihiee i;eats. Time : -.iiō.l, i 2.Sl:i. 'i'ia* deoinioii bv llie ju<lge.-' is pi-o-!este<\ :iguinst. anrl, unlil lhey give tlieif',decisioriin wi'ri.ing, beis shoul<i be il<Td. 2/" the Fiji Times >e elip the follo.wing item : — " His ExccHencysHhe IIigh. Commis3ioner hus rec<'ivud from En^hiiiū^Nie document eoiHiiining liie ratificalion oi' the ircnty made by hiras'elf, on the part of the I]nglisli .Government, willi Malietoa. the King of Samoa. Iff has affixed to it the Great Seai ot the lfuited Kiiigdoin, enclosed in a silver box, baviug m bold reliff on its lid the Itoyul arms oi' Englarid._ Tjie_ signature to tlie documeiit īh 'IIio " a'ut'ogr;ipb*i.or"II<if Majesty the Qūeeu ; and 'th'e whole. īr'om'its intrinsic value und beuuty, inde|>endont o( its worth as a State trcaly, will doubtk*ssly be liiglily prized by the potentati* for whom it is intended, and to whom it will convey a high corapliraent." 337" The Hamoan Times says " We learnjhat with th<: ' ās9ĪHtance. of the gentlemen some tirfle' ugo appointed by the consulfl to aid in framing la'wH for the bo"tter government. of _tlje vurioii8 difltrictB iu Satnou outside llu: niunicipality ot Apiu, the Taimua anrl Puipule havt* passed Acts pro)iittiting tho Hale of Orearmu, amunition, and intoxicuting liquorn to SumoanH, or to any native of tbo Paeiiie reHident in Samou ; alao. an Act probibitlng, under beavy penaUiea, the cntranco of Ohineue into tbis gooup." Tbat part. relating to iiitr>xicr;tiiig liqu<>rij him .ilrccdy heen obu<*rvcd in tluv(o iolundo with bonoficioi oflfocta .
Dr Ncilson h:i.s be<*n appo:nted by the Bourd of_ Heakh fēsidcnt physiciaii .it Kalawao, and loft *" ,yestcrday pcr Likelike. to go to iiis field of duty. ... A: .£,X?I.*..- ....IlieiLi'. ' li- =VG^Haiu-" G. E. G. Jackson hus'been ;ippoint<*<l by llie Minister of tbe Interior to iii.-p<:ct a'n<l report on th<; roads a'nd bridves of the differ.'nl islands. and leiives-to-<!ay-f<>r--Afātriv--Tbfc-n*-wiTl-Tio'w-ti'e- rVHj>oīī-_ -' " sible heud to whom tl"><> Minis>er of the lnterior ean look, trom time to time, fo'r ī-eliuhle inf(jrma . tion as t<> state ol our higbways. bridges. Stc. . Eihukumk.n'h Luck.— Several flabers wnnt down by ihe'aea, at Niu. on S.iturday, tbe Iltu idstanl, and ivere m;iking a baul of metnbers of tlie finny tribe, nol for pleasure or prpfit, but as a wherewithal to uppea'ae tbe gnawiaga uud cravings of a hungry stoniach, A-representaiive lynx-eyed and religious member o.f'the commuii^\ whose faithfu) serviee3" in liniee'.paal have gained him tbe privileg<; of weariug a tug with a numhei' thereou, pounc<*d upon the wēary arid hungry fishers, and, uot> j>eiug 'able. to obtain an immeiliaee linaneiu) settlemqut. complained of them for violuLing tlie Sabl);Ul:.' This morning saw tbi* six hungry līohers all in a line in the Polie'e Court awaiting the judgineni of bis Honor, A statement from tbe moal obese of the sextette servcd to convince his Honor •tlnit nought wu9 done with evil intenr, and he 5Ccordingly dismissed Tse unlucky tishertn<.*u, witb a i v.'arning that. six days tliey shbuld lubor aud du iill tbeir work, an<l might-īish oi necessīly. on thn S«ri(lay. Sui*i*osi..'d Suicidi?. — Kews reacbes us from,llawaii oi thc disappeafance of Edward' Probart, booki kcepcr lpr Messrs. Nottley & Hughes of tliat plaee. ! The circumstanc.es surrounding the disappe:irance of Probart point strongly to suicide-. by 'jumping from a cliff 125 in height, and the locality"is poiated oiit wberc tbe supposed act was consurevm;ited. Thc follqwi.ng letters writteu by tlie fiiĪ9sing 'man give aelue to whnt might have been his intentions and i whieh in ull probability were fully carried'out. Tbe * • iirst letter wns written by hiiu to a friend, Eiiwin , Tliomas, and says : = <-. ■'■' - Paauii.o, Soi>t. 2, 1880.' J'ī:n;.s':> ī'uoma., : — j'Y,:Ii;ig very ill and tired uL' lilo, 1 ' . — ... ani'nbout'to die. . !■ cncld.-j"e orders on Mcsvrs. A'dtiey h IIughei>, t'or inii'L ol' wliieh littlo belongs to me, wliiei; plcu.se. iirtet-pt. Oive tlie old womon who attendcd .Pou woliu ?50. trood-ī>}'e, EnwAno PaonAai'. In my room I fenv<* to you 1 saddle, hridle, hiis, L pr ī)lankets, 1 :iiutvrfds, pillown, 1 pr sheets, 2 quilts, 1 eov erlet, value, &e.. kc., and aueli clothe3 a.s are worth tak . . • ing, anil 1 watch. Probart alao wrote the following letter to Mr. ■ 8ept. y, 1.180. — Mn. O.-N'O'i'eiw:— I l'eel vcry ill, duy" oy aay worse, an<r ns I dreatl Jingcring along;-lTshail -make sliort worli of it — ov<t thu,cllff. Goo'd-byo and prosperity Edward PnoOA»T. '' - The account.i aro ftll up'correct, also>you will find the cnsli right, ovcrrunning about S1.50, the kcy ol' the safe is in the right haud drawer by the looking glass, with l'Mwi» 'I'homiw, to whom Probart lirsr wroie, says tb:it tlie mivsing man Ieft heliinil $22' i ior him. Wlū'» for Kaam (!:), elloO for Alohikea, an<l ».">0 for Pauwohu. Up to tlic 10tb inst. the bo<iy h\d im: heoii reeovoied, although the aatives nnd othera lia<l made every cxcrtioq t» ohlein it, but up t» thu ahove date tbcy lmd been nnsuccce8ful. Little aeemi to bo known rcgarding Probart's birth-plsce or rolationo, and of fais own hiutory ; all that aeema to Im l:nov;u iū, that he eame to thete Islandn from Ualiforuiu in 18iif>, wao employeiI by Ilon. Jamcs I. Dowcott iu that yeaiī apd ie abont 62 yoars ,of age. _ : Tho dread of a liuing death eaenaa ta hnv« 'heop tho oaueo for ltic ocmmittiag tho rccb aot. ■ • *