Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 2, 15 September 1880 — CRICKET MATCH. [ARTICLE]


ii. j>. m. S. [ KUOAN' V. Ho\OĪA'Ī.C GīUCKKT Cu/B; Tbis, tlip firstrnatch that has heen played here T>nr iimny yc'fti's7-ettmo off on Satunlay afletgrō6nr llth iiistiiii t, on the I\esei-ve at Makiki, n'ear tJio liitc residenc6„of Major Wodehonse, "Th*e groāB(l' hns been |>arti;illy prepafed for the game al..the expense of the , lately-formed Honolulu Cricket Clnb, tlie wicket;*and its immediatē neighbou['hol6„d hiiving heen niownjtnd rolledw What was aeknowledged t« be a very lair wicket was thus st*cured,, and l'oi- the rest Ihe u.nmown portion of the ground [)ecw,'d. Au extended account of tho match woi)ld_ eieeeel t-he nmila we ean accord,..to . it . in the' Express. ()ur home team went first to the wieket, to laee the bowling of White and Jones, and bega,n their work uu.fortunately. Lishmau being caught ottt, and Fieeth elean bowled, before either had . scored. Perry and Miller. ^ who followed, madea 8iand, showing sopie good' cricket, though, giving more ehaneea than were taken. Wbe.n Wbite succeeded in, taking Miller's wiekel, ^he 8coro stopdj*t 27. whiGh,-howevery-included'severār extri»8. Subsequently Janion, 'Hold8Worth, and Wodehouse rapidly worked up the 8corer Whieh, at the end of the innings, stood at 59— a number' whieh did not give tbe Club mueh expectation of

scoringta victory. Ttie Monolulu teuin then took the field, with Rerry and Holdsworth as bowlers, who disposd of Puddick and Congram before either ol' them had scored. Hilion. the captain of the Pelican'8 team, then took th)C bat, aud when be was joined by Giffa.rd, a stand was made. The former scored six,from one 'fine drive, ,which brought the cry of " lost ball. " Giffard bād'The misforttme.t,o be given out 'Teg belore wicket.V.or the ultimate score ol' the team would, no doubt. have been different, as he had evidenfly collare,d the bowling when he'had't6Wetire.''°Dillon wa's neatly caught by Perry from one ol Freeth's, and was succeeded by Ba>kef\ whp imme'diately--guve the field some work untU, haviug nafr'owly escaped tbe proper reward- for skying, he' heeāme more cautious. and was finally bowled by Perry. scoring seveu, aud bringing up' the total to 32, vvhich vvas veiypittle improved upon by tho.se who fol,tovved _ 1 1 i ni j t h e jnn tngs _b e i n jg : b r oug h runr e 1 o s <r f q i: 39." The seqond innings 0'f the liome teān) ehowēiWal; they had [)i'ofited by_ the opportunity of learning something yvliich ā; matoh, wi "t.h vinitt>r8--affgr-dgdr _Itj.vaij,j 1 1 s f,.c<)tHdi)4)'d_w-hy)H.-tl)e=afiHtt|M»'weredTrrwTiT at 6 o'eloek, .vvith ā aeoie of 781 " Thē"lēātn"rē8 ol' the play oa the side 6f the visit» ing, team , vvere While'a bowling. in avhicli he steadily improved duri,tig the- afternoon— aki Giffard's excellent fielding, to whieh ā large number of our batsmen ovved tbeir retirement witb-half-executed good intentions. On the part of the Glub, Janion, Perry, Holdsvvorth, ānd Miller sūowcd by theif atvle in batting thāt tbev were not new at the willow. Ainong the u.oyices, at the game,-Wodehou8ewon-golden-opinioti8-randmade; good scorefl. Taken all round, t,he fielding of tho homo toarn .vya8 mneh better than tliat of their 'opponents, whieh had probably more to do with the state of tho scoro tbau anything olse, lt is to bo rogrcttod that the ma.tc(i cpuld not bave beon played out, when, no doubt, the team from the Pelioao would. in apite of being ho long depp)iVed of pnioUeO) havp mado a aturdy atand to ahow ua what they oan do when on tbeir mettle. Wo appond tbe aoore. M. Ri tard po lilt-ly acted as 8corer, and Rev. Mr. Muekinloah.aa umpiro for the Criqket ,01ub. Eomlh diflloulty wa» experienoed ābout un umpirp to repreaent the Pelioao C)ub, ond a con8twt chauge occurred. " The oflicera ot the Pelioan wha formed pārt-*of 1 ■ ''

tbe team, vyith some other guests, including Major Wodehouse, H. B. M.'a Commissioner. and M. Ratard, Acting Commission(>r- fof - France, we ra invited to dine witb the members of the Crickēt Club after tbc mā'tch.,and a most enjoyablp ēvening -wfts-spenl. (lnnnK^e emiēēl;/)! wbi6h.inauraerable regrets at thCetirly de{rartur<4 o? tHe Pelipan from onk walepa-wei'e-oapn-imiH:^-^-- — — — ~ , The following^4 is. th« score of tbe matcb. We ccannot unfqrfijr|ātely |ive aif ānālysis of ;.the bqwling, no piopēr:scoring7books 'having yet been obtained l>y tbe Club. r . * '■ HONOLULU CLLrB— Um'sT Innings. _ . LifiBmaii,-W', e-Oiffurfi-.,U-'Wlritfc ..... 0 . ' FreetB, O D. 1) Whlie o Miller, 0 D, 1) Whīte. + ....... • H Perry, C'E, lb White. . : u; " — |_ — --S©r-kiage©ttr-(captMlirriUVVTIiTē o ■ .īanion, B W, e Giffard, b White V ... . ia Holdsvvorth, E W, b Jones, G- 1 May, H, e Giffard, b Jones 2 . » Wodehouse, J H, jun., b Wbite 13 Dowsett jun, J I, b Jones... :i -HucorG- -H-rjun77-not"otlt" ""."77777—1 'T7777E'.~77. 0 «. Bye 1, wide 1, no balls 2.-. 4- ' ' • Total :4. t ā) : _ H. B. M. PELIOAN. . /• ' - Puddick, e Wodehouse, b Holdswortb 0 Congram, e Freetb, bPerry.. 0 Dillon, H B (captain) , e Perry, b Freeth 12 ■LQnea..GrLi-Holdawortfa.. ' o Turner, W H, run out 4 ■ _ Barker, R D, b Perry 7 6 ■ ■ Hill, J B," e Liahman, b Holdsworth. . . . . '2 V/hite, e and b Freefh , o ■ Pratt, riot out. 'o Smith, run outf... . . : i '< Giffard, G A, 1 b w ,7 , '■■%■ Byes 3. ieg-bve 1, Wldes i v ĪU- 1 --.

' • • '•f~3' Total ; :)•> HONOLULU CLUjB— Second, Inn'ings. -- - - — Mi]ler,E-D,-b-Wtriter~.. .' jf* ; ' Luee, G H, jun;, b -G Jones -i •Perry, C E, e and b White ... 9 " Freeth, G-D, c-White, b G Jones.... !> Scriingeour, E>S, b G Jones 12 Liahmaq, 'W, e and-h White . 10 Holdswo.rth, E W, b Whitē. :v 15 Wodehouse7-J-H , b Barker . ' " "" i.0 . May, H, b' White -0 Dowsett, J I, jun., b White V 0 Janion, R W, noUout 3Byes 2i Teg-bye 1, wides 4, no halla 4. 11 rroftfi. ......... ........ v.:. 78 - - The follQwing āre itēms. of, intēre8t culled from'cx- . * changes recently to hand: ' Rome, Aug. 19.— At;tbe Consiatory to-morro'w the Popē will'announee the following appointments: P. Manogue, Virginia, Nev;, Bishop in partibus, witb succession to Bishop 0'Connel 6f.6rass Valley, Cal.; Rev. Father Poritillo^ Bishop in partibus and Vicar Apostolic of Lower CaIifornia: Rev. ' ,Tnmps ■ L_ • PaUeHon/liiihop ihpariibts. ' - •i ' ' •"•-'« ^EeHin-,- Aug. 19. — The last obstacle to the āppointment of Count Von Halsefeldt as Secretary of „ '• Btate for Foreign ' Affairs has heen removed, his haytng bebn legally dissolved. - _ ' . __ ~ that nothing that ' ha8 happehed in Ireland:np to ,the pre8ept time j«stifiea the assun)ption that tbe ordinary law is ,inadequate to protect society againat a mere handful of wioked and cowardly : person8. and a large number of. their fpolish dupea The Times likewiae ridioules as paltry theatrioal exploits the movementa of Feniān8 in Ireland, but regards the anti:jent" movement aa seriou8; and -sayfl-it-8hould tncet wilh patienrtillt cleterminēd - " T~ stateēmahship. > London, Aug. 20.—Adelaide Noilson was bu'ried .« : ' at Brompton Cemetery jto-day. The funeral wan largely at.tonded. ; Among those present were Lord / Henry Lennox, Admiral Carr-QIynn, Henry La^ ' bouohcre, John S. CIarke, the American aotor, Edward Compton, who accompapied Miss Neilaon on her last tour through the United States, and a number of other aotora and aotresse8. Rev. J. D . Mosaingham read the funeral service. The remainā were inclosed in a polished oak coffin, which.bore simply the name of the deoeased and the worda:- ; "Died at Paris, August 15, 1880." The coffin waa « coyered with wreatha andJ^other floraI tributea. Paris, Aug, 21. — The Bourse. aaya: A joint purse arrangement haa been made between the \ Anglo-Amerioan, tbe-Direct United> £ltates and tho Fronoh Atlantio Cable - oompaniea. The I»tter eoa-, . pany "ōbtāiiur 16 per 0«% '6f'thē" t(rtA the threqliaes. , • * ■ r . • "• . ' . ■ • ' \ » , '■ 1 ' : / ' • : ' ' » <r ' ' „ ' . -• ■ * ... , ■"'•K. ' , ' ' i' ■ I • '