Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 13, 1 December 1880 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Ilis AL\jKKTV, ncci)inpunicd bv a Kinall bu i to uf , ' Palaee actendiints, procccdH pcr Likelike to visit ( his people on the island "of ilawaii. 1 iie* Kin^ wi.Il laiai at Mahukona ; w 1 11 visit Kohala^ iiamakua, and Hilo, and thenee the Royal progresB will be nuuie to other parts oi the island. A IloN'OLi'LL" i' *rreKpondent to thc iSan T raneiseo Bulletin , in a leuei' da'tcd Oetober 25, endeavorK to atuuse 0oa8t readcrs \vith a 6eries ol mis-Kf-iif>>ninntfi in rc.fipec.t: to mattera..iii th.iK kiugdoin . • Among other thinge, he 8nys : " An audienee ; witii the King was declined " (by Oommohoee Shufeldt), and ōtherwiae iiuiunUee tliat the Kmp; had been 8oliciting vainly aume inleielianae <>i j eoui'U-eiee. This is hīīii ply not true Oapuiin > lh'own, ot tlie U. S. Alaaka, reeeutly in port, tvuslun'g to renew with liin Maje«iy a hu mei' i {doiiKant acquaintance, conlerred vvith llis I'Neel- | leney the Governor in respeet to an interview, ' uod called upon His Majesty. I Tjiē Ekui'īion of Mauna Loa. — All the aecount8 to hand lroin Ilawaii einee our last iKKue ! oomhine to 6how that the vo!eano contirnies to be ; very active, and that the various 8treams oi lava : wineh have already heen described are still pushipg their way for\vard, tliough not in a rapid i mannei',- We have to note that i.n otlier voloai)ie, aieas UDUsual activity is being disf)layed. 'Lhe ; eaptain of the Johu M. C!erk, latelv arrivod ' from Hongkong, reports the voleano on the island i of Susa in violent eruptiou when he sighted it a few w.eeks ,ago.. . Hoine uf the volcanoes 011 thc ; Pacific Coast of Amenea arc also very active ; ' <ind now wo hear that the far-away Vesuvius is j in active sympathy with hcr sisters of the wcstcru \vorld. Oek 1nj)j;i'K.\dence 1)ay was well observcd in I *■ Honolulu, Governrnent offices were all elo8ed ; _ and ueurly ull plaee.-. of humneea were elosed . aftpr 12 m. on' JSaturday ; and the people mado thc highways |p.y, with horseback riding, and \driving out in gala eoHlume. . | 'JiJE M(J,I'J'AKT KEVIEW. j 'ai 'Oki'nmi on Kulaokahua waa one ol'-tlie i -eiiiel' cntcr.tainrnent« o I the day. Our nmall j foreo, in tlieir drj'U aud parade, prc8ontcd a very j creditabie appcarance. 'l.'he King's guard have j the step, arid prcci8ion of i»anrxjuvro of vcteran8, j ondcr tlie comma»d ol' C'apt, Kinlmaka, and ' Liout. lioapili Ilaker. 'l'he Princo's Own, un- | der command ol' Capt. Kaalia prcHcnt a hobJierly appearaneo y and tlicy handlcd thc guns to firc W8Ōtrtcft. I'or l,lle day, with preci«ion 'and good i;ll',;et. Tho corpa q/'cavairy appcarcd to advantagc under thc lcad of Cāpt. Makanui. . And . la«t but notJeaBt, tho popular Mamalahoa, the eepeeial Ilawaiian national guard ,turncd ouL in full fprco undcr cornmand of Capt. Pineliaea ■Wood,.and did eredit to thcir 8hort opportunity - for drill ar)d tTaining. Hie MajcBty "wau on tho parado in unifbrm, ae Oolonel, and ae uaual took an uctivo part in re- / viewing tbo drill and parado of tho troop«. Hor 11. II. PrinccsH Lydia Hoinini» waa alao on thc ground, with a largc cornpany ofBpeetator« in carriagee. Our admirablo inilitary band ūndec the direotion of Profcfflsor Borger made effeetjye , the martiul exoroiBOH and di8play of tho oeeiwion ; «nd "wound up tho parado of tbo day with a ibxilliant inaroh homo to quartcro.

T 1 1 !* t'RI('KET MAT('Ji. " Advafitagc wns taken nf tiie holiday to arrange i match between eightcen cmploypcs ot t(ic Honnulu Iron W orkP and an clcven of thc HonolMu ■,rtckcY-tNMrr-i\It)HT)f- ri«HiJ>ew--4->£ tJm. fixAL--lven of the Club were from home or otherwisc >ngaged. and the challenge was laken np by the iecond eleven, with thc aKsi^tanee of Ilarnson and Perry. Many of the playcrs on hoih sides wcre nuite new to "the gnmc. nnd the displaV of •>ricket wna not bril!iant. but thc dnv'P sport wns mueh enjovcd. The īron Works' tenm won the match. Seorcs as follows : — 11. first innings, 5o ; second innings, ōo: tr"n W orks Eighteen, first innings, 47 : seeon<l innings. <0 for 16 \vicl<ers. Thc fnl 1 scorc will b<> given īn thc P. C. Advertisfr on Saturdav. TJLE R.U'KS¥_ A tr,itting mntcb enme nfi'during thc aftemoon at Knpiolnni l'nrk, wliieh was well aHcndcd by sporting men and plcnsurc-scckcrs Thcrc wcre four cntrir-s — King W illiani. l)ollv \ nrden. Littlc Ginn4. nnd Pumpkin Sccd. Thc first ticat \vas won hy Punipkin Sced. niueli to thc snrprise of cvcrv one. Timc, 3iu. 10s. In thc second heat, Kin<) William vvas firsi bv nbout a lcngth ; time. 3m.'~8s. : Dollv Yardcn and Little Giant making! a good rnce for the second plnee, Pumpkin Secd being well t)cliind. Tn tfie <tiird heat King W illiam had it all ins own way. thus winning thc stnkes ; time. 3m. 4s. Mr." Black's marc and Līttle Ginnt wcrc togcthcr for n long distance, but the formcr sccurcd thc seeond plaee — Pumpkin Seed nowhere [ry The President of the Board of IIealth has issued a notice debarring all communication or intercourse wiih vessels infected wirh contagious disease. A stitch in time. ££?* The late Hon. Kekuokalnni l4eter Young Kneo was buried with appropriate lionors o.u Sun<lay afternoon-the 28th insr. His rennfins were Cutombed in the Royal Mausoleum. (Xgp -fhe " Meifoo," a new steamer of 1284 tons was to leave Shnnghni for this port on (>ctober 14tl). She is to run in contpaiiy with tlie Ho-Chung on tbe China Merchants S. N. Co's line between Shanghai, IIonolulu and San Francisco.

- . J #Sfj- To nllow excursionists nn opportunity of sccing tbe i>ruption of Mnunn Loa. th<> st.camer Līkelike will n<>xt week sail, for hcr i'ounil trip lo all porls on Ihiwaii, on Monil:\y insl,<>ad of Tn<>sday, nnd will n'inain thre<> days nt Hiln. piS- Tht>re is a story on thc str<>et, Hiat Mr. Moreno was pnsscd in Omalia, coming .\vesl, 'nbont llie 13th ull. Our inlomiaiion is. Ihat Mr. M. nn t,;e Hawiiiian yoiilhs, sailcil' l'mni New \ <<rk <<n the 2(>th Oct. an<l w<>ri> in" Piiris <>n t!n> f>i h nll. j Mr. M. hnving minie npplienlion to Consul Marlin j for funds. on ':m:ount of the boys :— this gentli>innn li.nl enhleil for inform!ilion to our Envoy Allen : j an<l lie t<>legriipbi'd l.o Coiihii1 Seve)Tince ; tln> | result bi>ing un ;ulviee to-Coi)Hul Manin !o pny | expenio>8 ol' yonng m<>n lo tli<>ir (h>stiiiution ; hul nol irtl.o l,he 1iuiuJh «I Mr. Moi'eno. j Bi.>ojiTiKrj Newh.-— 'J'ho Iutcrnational Walking Maioh in Lomlon, in whieh bo irmny Amcricana' compctcd, cndcd on Nov, 4th. llowell diatanccd ail competitor8 with hin 5GG inile), whieh benta IIart'« rccord by ono mile. Littlewood wan «eeon <1, 470, ari<l />oblcrthird, 450 i/iileH, Hanlon won hl8roWingmatch ..with-Tfickott.cjuitc <!anily. lt in statcd that tbc lattcr wub ovcr-tnxincd «omo weeka boforc thc maloh, and v/cnt out of condition. 'J'ho Iiitornational Houlling Match on the'J.'hamc8 oamo olf on thc IHiii, l',)th, nrrd 20 th Novor/ibor. Luycoek, of Hy<Jncy, won thc racc ; > JtoB«, of 8t. .lohnn, N. B., oeeonh ; Ho8ruor, ofBo8ton. third. Hanlon d)d not ontcr. 'l'he two-ycar-old Prcd Crooker, belorjgirig to Ex. Govcruor Stanford, mado tho heai, Ume yot on rccord— -2,25j, — for a horuo of that agc, on the Bay J>imriet track, 'on Saturday, 20th uH, @3f* Kain ha«" fnllop vcl-y froely winee Monday uiorning, and the wcutb«r nltogethcr inui been nueli an to mnko tho oldent inhabitant tnlk of " uomething like a Konn." Ln»t night tho rain eamo down in torront« , ncoompttniod wHh hei»Yy thuiider and lightning, anil thi» morning mnny of our " oity imprt»YouieutH " woro rnifwing.