Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 38, 8 April 1936 — WOODEN BRIDGES TO BE REPAIRED [ARTICLE]
, An ui»p:-.><>nation ol $1.2.1(1 to effect , v« , Jiipo.r; t i-y rei);urs to nu.mwous old iii Nort.li 1 lilo.. Iluiua- , Ku;i:,ui(.l Kolialu , v.a.s ;n>p.roveil" last HM.-lilii; ui tiu; bourd of 3U j ■- , - ;)■;-■ A shipmeut 01 ' worth of lum-[b<-r i> s-i,i to th- Haiuakua road dopartment. according l0 ro,mty Kngiii V o r rL. W im B . Tli C lu-n- - be u.H'.l in rep;iirins bracos aiid sui»uorn of brid K i-.-> in tliat district. : ' V ! Tlh» r.etiutining i, siK i wi n niak( , it possible to purcliasc himber and rials iui brid KG s ia North lilo aiul Kona, the i:ounty oiigi?H'er S 1U : < oimty Wimg reported ha 1,,,s u ūuv übmments ami steel i t -enioi , v'. i niciits of all-ivooden bridgea '<long t ii,, (: ,^ t ai;d iouiKl th< j m to bo 111 soo(l «Ik)]h\ w.M'k. lio said, WaUcr Tofid, South tfi.lt> road ov:ersGer, and his īoael g;iug wiil ~ucct repairs to th9 steel_ Bridge aei'oss , Wailuiiu rivt,r. Xf\v lio ir 1 ivill br- pu; in -ra nec(.'>sary, aml . ilie >tft*l c:onstructioii w ili be : i t-iut (- Vūnig ass(M-ted tliat. 2ie and Chalrmau Samuel M. Spenc«r liave been negotiatiug \vith tlie supe>intendeut of puhlie \vorks m .an effort to obtaiu au:thovi/atiuu to divert some of liie iuouey, appro\imateiy £250,000, piamml ior use at Honolii for the goustruttiou of bridges along tha Tlio elainiii of Sev(. j riiio Defiesta aiul Xomeriauo H;iina Pilipinoa whō \vere injur(\l in Ih* eoilap&e ut Kaala luidge ou Alaieh 21, \vere ra ferred to Ctumtv AttDrney W. Hl I3eers for iiivesti«;;itior« r,nū an opin* ion. The Filipino; asked ror componsatiou for ph,vsicuiu b c:havges aud for lo.ss o£ i tiuie from \vork. Supervisors also referred tlie copy of the of Ihe Realty luvestmeut U9, to Weorge Freitas, aski'ug ?5t>:5.15 tor damages incui'i.td by a staticm \vaowu*Hi b;v S. AL Leoning as a ro sult of, tlie bridge ueeiūene anel lor ,iu« oi iīi<i uko uf tUe car at a rate ofj $10 a day, io tlie countj- atj torney,! lu Ihe eveut its pOi?itiou pf making a elaim ugainst contiactor ia untenat>lt'. the Roalty Invostment Cc., Ltd. advised the board. it \vould lonk to the ; countv for roimluu-semont. OfTicial annouueem* nt has been madc t>y Juic-lii Doi, supervisor from Ejtst. Hawaii. thal he will soek rono I minaUon tc> Uio s?amo iwsitiou at the tcoming eleeiion in Oeti>l>ei\ an«l will ruu oix tUe Repul>livau tivKet.