Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 12, 22 July 1936 — KING DECLARES HAWAII WILL BE STATE SOME DAY: [ARTICLE]


De]pga<( i Snniucl WiMei' Kit)<» King to tiion.s:iii(ls, upon his retur announewl tliut he wili M'ek :i soco in e.ongross. He rotumofl on tho Mulnlo, . thore oi thi ii ' hiMivn. Do]cjrtito happi!y wftinff foot on nutivc soil. onoo nioio, appcarod firmly oonvincorl of threo thinj;s: First, that tho qucstion of ,statohood for Hawaii was not an aeaelomie ono. "I moan by that," ho said, "th:it tho question is 110 longor askod: "Should Hawaii hoeomo a stater Tho quostion now upporn.ost in tho eonffrossional nvind socrns to bo: • " When s'halT Hawaii hoepm'ē a»stato?" Sccondly, a Ropubliean sonti - mcnt is scttling ovor tho land, with its sourcc in thc hoavily po pulatod and indus'trial cast. "The Now Evig]jihd statcs awl the central Atlantic statcs'will go lor G*ovcrnor Alfrcd Lamlon in thc prosidcnt.ial votc,' r Dclogatc King assortod. Thc inovonicnt for thc OOP noiniee is swcoping wcstwārd. I fonnd in a motor trip aoross the continont. Thoro is a strong feoling of ronfidonco on thc part of hk ina]iagors and the pnhlie, too,; that Landon will (?arry tho riiT<l^est. "It Booms to me that thc ccntral rilid\yfest will dcci<Tc thc tidc of the olection. Tho fight for thc prēsidcncy will b(> fought out in

~ stinncsot!i and lowa." Governor Landon, thc dele£ato dcclarcd, has all the qiiaHfications esscntial to the drivc to clcct thc Rcpubl*can presi(li'ntial candidatc. l 'Landon reprcsents thccxtieme ojtyosite to the radical New l>eal I fpuntl in my tonr across country that cven lifeiof)<r I)cmoc£nts ootnirig to thc conclusion that it is iH>ll#ngcr possible to follow its extrcmc left swing." And thus is arrived at the delcgatc 5 s third conviction. , Baising his right. ham! and swcttring to tcll reportcrs the truth, thc whole truth and nothing but the trutli so hi'lp liim GOP, thc affirmcd ho was, aftcr two of thc busiesr and most momcntous <essions of eonmij?ht glad to lx> haek liome again. Thc delejjatcs wor<ls did not helie his aotions. (ire<'t. d o|f port |,y a host of fricnds and relatives, ail with lcis, t.ho dele£ato thc mil of the ship as did muuy a malihini ahoanl, and ffaxed ex-

ciU'«U,v out on thc Alohu t»J\vcr, th»' ilivinjf hoys un<l th«' Koya| Ilnwniinn ln th»' c!osin}X <luys of thc lust «•ssi»>n th»' lust * minutc s\»g«r quot« hill wouM h«vo »KM'n inimi c«l to our int»'r»*st>, :u\il \\hSt isj worw, wt>ul»l lmvc cj.trthltNh»-tl u hiui j»rcc« l| ilcftt if it in thc f«»rin <>rijrinsll> iwt»»»*lu<»<i, HorturmK\, 1 «■onviu»v4 thc hou»' c»>mjnitt»v .»n n£ncultui<. th«t Uuwaii i-ntitl»'il to . hitcly c«viml tn>:itmcut vvith n»fun j lanil th«- fin f.>nn| «f Ihi' rcHohiti«m rcroyw.-.l •«»!■[ c.Uim t«> Hh- r»ms?ilr!v<l n- .i»>in»"-H< H«.Hlu«vr». | 4 *lt is »vrt-iin th:»t -hs j ?e4tif«fic.t Hrc:ts wil' i*i" ! f ,r ,M j Mi|pn lcjj»slMtion in fh. n< vt «."i j j*rrv. :U'nl «» 1 »'«'•! 1" «'ip', .»ur |>ohs< t*mt ij«M }»> Unnl» :tn Ain< n« hu i'v>»

: • : •- r. known 1 K i ttcr n-; jilain "Kunui'.'l'.i •n ffom W:ishin<rton Thui-sc >nd iei'm as ll:iwaii"s f('i)ivs:ntali\ r i> ac?coinpanic<l liy >lrs. Kinp; un<l - <lucci' ns an,v p:vrt of the m:iin - ■ land. r "It has heon a bns.v congressiona! sossion. ?,> he s;\id. "I am <jlad to rolate that I was i snecossfu! in soeurinjr ihe of ]>ractieall,v overy jjeneral i)ill I intiO(liiee(l for tiie l)enefit of th> tcrrito!',v,' t!ie two Inni! ' authori>:atiotis tlnit nm<lo our puhlie wprks ]>rogt':im ]>ossil>!(> i and the roorgani/.ation of the Ilawaiian Homes oommission. I "In national ]egislation M>voral mcasures of tho ut;;;ost i)nportanco | to ns woro eon-eeieil boforo l>oiji£ enactod to oxtond their i)rovisions to ineīuilo Hawaii, oi'i&'. iual'ly (Imwu to leavo ns out iu wliole or in ]>art. "Tne four hillion rlollar roliof appropriation v the soeial security act an<l tho ineroase in the activities of th-' ajrricuifcurā-ī extension <lop'irtment of our universi t.\ p are among measure? that wcre arnen(locl at rn,v ro<] uost. ()n ono or two occ:isions the ameiuhuents worc mado for nio by tho sonate - — • :x:- ... .. Smith is still tho comiftonost 'namo'in Lomlon. accordingr to tlie latest toloi)hono l>ook, *which has l7i pagosof thom. «7onos, Taylor