Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 30, 25 November 1936 — Rev. Kahale New Pastor Haili Church [ARTICLE]
Rev. Kahale New Pastor Haili Church
i It wus finmmi(ri! Sat'inl!i,> th;it • tho llev. lvi\vatil Kuliah' m>\v | }iastor oi' t,he Waiauae c}iurc!i, J has heen as pa-tor of Haili chureh in Hilo. « Haili church has hoen withuut a rcgular pastor for soriH'.time, al- ] tnough tho Rov. htvi h 'n L. j:« s ;a Jr. hekl the position te np()tai ilv t'iis sunimer. The Kcv I)• s!ki"s f ither was pastor ,of thc church nearly 50 yfcars. | The Rev. Kahale was fornierly j a oiinister at Kona,' but;-lei'i there 1 for Oahu several years He hās been nioderator of the Ha- ; waiian Evangelical assoeiaiion an<l. 1 active in other inter-chureh work. '