Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 33, 16 December 1936 — By Authority [ARTICLE]
By Authority
thikd cikguit coukt XOTICE
M.rs. Rose Leialoiia Lun^ V§. Loo S4«g Lumk —Divoree TIIE TERSITORY OF lIAWAII To LOO SAXG LUNG. GB£ETING: You are hereby nolil'ieel that llie 3ibel for divoree fiied in Uae Court by your wi£e agaiust you wiil be lieard by Uie llonordbie W • īliompiion, Jud«e ol the Tiiird Cireuit Court, in his (?ourt Room at Kaiiua, North Kona. County ofllawaii. at- 10 o'eloek A. M. on Saturday, I4ie 3jth ua>- of January, 1U37. I>iited ,at Kailua, North Kona, Ilawuii, this HUi day of I>eceiuber im By Court Seal TIIGS. e. WIIITE Clerk, Tiiird Cirvuit Court l :I>ec, 16, i3. 31), Hi3U