Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 39, 2 February 1938 — Quake Predicted [ARTICLE]
Quake Predicted
Apparently Lion Kenn.eth J. Wfl&āms, Hawaii nalional park nmger, Wasfi*t %on" when two weeits ago predicted Pele wou!d salute <3f Hawaii. Details of Ranger Wittiams' phenomenal prophecy, fulfiiled Saturttey night by an earth(juake rocked the territory out of lts sieep, rcsre rccounted yesterday by D. Rahs'om Sherretz, secretary ctf tije Honolulu Lions elub. ; Accgrding to Lt> Sherret» s y«rsio«. of the stori the up aad /ygr>īng eiaim some ol the credū Xor ihe earthquai£e. It seems Raoger wiiii»»»' nostication was maāe two weeks agQ when Frank V, Birch, pmicteirt Lions Internationai, visited Hawaii aalionai park during his totir ef I k>rrs c!ub in the territory. When STr. Bircii made the traōitsonal pauee in his tour te toss ohetos iato the Kaiauea fire pdt R*Bger Vho superffeed «1» cesremonv. Pek wouM *as«er eourtes.v in two Saki Rsngrr WUUam*: *W»n RoosevT!ī toss«i berries to Pele she wiihln a «£&<* yo«Ye |»edaeat oi Liwu. lnt*m«(tiOßtil. Pete sxi«w* ift *iw> oe«UTfd tw© wwb to day Liotj Bitvh ki®N ihe bernes,