Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 3, 17 May 1939 — Elaborate Plans For Entertainment Of Legion Commander [ARTICLE]
Elaborate Plans For Entertainment Of Legion Commander
Stephen Chadwick, i>ational eomi»ander of tt»fe Anierscan Legioiv with Mrs. Chndw!ck, and departiuent eoaimanUei* Hai'vey Jenson, will arrive in Ililo bj- plane Raturiiay, af-coAling to a message reoeived Monday from Harold Hlll, department adjutunt of llouoluUi, by Commander John , Riofeard of| Post No, 3, The visitors wUI be met at the plane by a welcomij)g comiriittee froin the loeal post, TJiey will spend two days 011 the Big Island. returning to Honolnlu ou Sunday'« ,plane. - The itinerary for tbeir entertainment haS heen announeeel aa fōliows: Saturday, sight seeing from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.in. Rest, from 4 to 6 p.m. 6 p.m. real Hawaiian luau, with program of entertainment. Address hy National Commander Chadwiok at 8 p.m, Sunday. 0 a.m., trip lo the volcano wiiere the party will Hsten to the, s?uuduy nu>riiing leotur<" by one of {lu' park ofCioiai>% l.iuiehoon at the Volcano Ilous>e ai 12 noon and sliort rest. Tlie party will Ihen retnrn to Hilo in time to oatoh the outgoing plaiie. The following oorumitteos liave heea appoin»ed hy Counnandor ltiekard to look aftor iho d!stinguished guests;
Luau oomniiueo, lH»ort Pivtt<m anU Hobbins Kinney. Il»'ception, ConinuuHlor ,Tohn S. mckard, StanJey Klmore «nrt A. T. Spaldiug. Housing, Waliei- Eklund and Lou Holzman. EntertaiiuneHt, liarry K I3rown and George Hewitt.