Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 19, 4 September 1940 — Must Elect Three New Supervisors [ARTICLE]

Must Elect Three New Supervisors

| Tiiere wlll Im; tlirje« new meajbers w tUe !JUiV»iiU .lVnjnti. of. &y:. |tervisi>rK besi ieur, Tlirtx vf lbe i*rfcsent *mU uot l>t? ruu-; uixig agaiu. iure Feter ArlyJi t ol liiio, who i?5 ieu'j"ju£ iwn fur the Mainlaoel, Fraok of Koua, who Js rttiri»jj, aod JuUan yates, aiso of Ko«a, wlio has aecepted the poeiUou of j?ecrelary of tiie liawaiiao īiojpies CouirnissioD aad who will be Lo Iloiioiulu aext inonUi. Besides eaiainua,» Smuuel Si*tncer, three of tli« pre»ent uicnulwrs ar« se«kiag r«levtiou—Ai«;ust Costa, of Waiiea, Fru»k 1,-hiī, of Uilo, aud Saku3chi Sakai, of Koimla. Aiuoiii; U»e now cajudidatfs wli ius eleeUou to the bourd, wili l>e Touu CuuUigbaui for tiie ehainiiiui-

IsUip, oii the li<;pubHcaii liekel; Josej?h P*ckeco t of Kaiwikl, on Lhe I>emucriiLtii: Jaiues Kealuha, territoriiil lejgislati|re seuator; Dr, Georgu Silva, Houpkaa OenUt-t aiul hi-other o1 St'cuū»r' CUark'a Sii\u* tA Koliala; Edwiu SHva, o£ Uiio.l Tbomas Sakttki)tur«. fon»i»r iikm'ii-] i>er uf Lhe huusc i>f rt:yre&t'ULaUve»; l Itettben Cock<ett of N'aalehu. auU t WilUaiu r*i>church t uf KaUua, Kuna. ] Other Office» j Cour.Jj īreasun*r Aalone P. £ea- j to wlll be oppoaeil bj Willi&ai fi.J Aioaa, &r., wbo is resigoiD£ his po-1 s-ition witb Uie loc|au territorifd laad ] otn«. Botb wili run oa tbe BepuMiean UekeL ; Countj" Clerk ,AUred Kumalae «lli be a cai»ii(3ute for reele<Uōa, oti the Rei)Ubliean! liekel, So far as ls know» «t i>Tv&p>ii be wiU la,ve oo <H)po«Wion- , j H«rr,v K. nrt»wo, ' \viU for rv ou 1)1« ii«j|y#bufau litj&eu , liean K. Martiu. Ke|>ub3i ' • IIMI v-:'.c |Daa K Alaa, of JValmea. is h;;: . buf Vū IHarreH, ©f Hllo, teteran I>euii»erat, , fe nwuoml ai> a ykelj" caudīda.te. Ooaagr Attoroeff Maniii Peaee, | «rho tlefeated WiijUaiu U. |>eers iu |iS3S, bave no <a>jKjsiiioa, a& j loss B«ers 4ecides to ma agair. j Keers wiii not make & sta.teuseat, Ue | »«ys, aniii lbe test minme. j F«r tte feouse of nepre»enuav«?!i mlil be Uim of tbe preseat | wbo wIU uot be iu, 0« j V. A. Carmlho tHI be a I fajids<iau- fi»r Uie seūate, oppi&ie^

Sanji Abe and Bea. Sarah, Toau Cuno.iiigba.tu, Henry Lai liipp gone io tlie Malnianā, aud A«sust (Kowdjr) Ctnsta, wlm is eui|>loyed ander the clvll servke aod wuuiU have to resigo his positioii in the m&Maai'i? olPoe iii uf 4tyr to «■L ■'- Xi*e «ali- Ci*ndi4<*te foc reelettiutt &» Um; so far umilioued £rvm iiast iiawaii wit! Ue Albert K. Ki UiiUa, Kew eaiiiiiiLilei, Umu KimuiH* 4istrkt are Wiiiiam l'n&ne, ik^uhiieiui; JuiUii Dot, for. am: bU4iei vij»or aiiil kt eui--9U&&.1 hj tbe couat,y, &cd Emii Weiirisig of Uie Voicano disiriel, Maiiiiei Paaallo pystmasier« i>euiotx*t, aod lUeiuuoitd o£ MHm* imve sigßjL6tHi tljeix iaieaiioii «f l*io£ c&odidateji. The iaiier is a i>Tt»Ui«r of WiUkiui elaiimu^ «f the Kauai bo«rii uf Frotn Wegt Hawail Arthur A. Akinii, of Kohaia. ai>d It<*bm Wii heim, of Kao, wlil rt>Seclk«u (•"niae)» Aion», of Kom«l. «ho 1» uovr tivtßx Ui Hoaoiuiu, wii! ekh ruo aieain. The <lealh of lU'p. JB3«r.s

Alw», nf Knlhia. j f«r, ?«»ares a»loīhw Twu IK>JSSTUI* olwīS»r*» m*ntt<»n*6 a« prf"pāriii« ltn <M t1«» Tb«»y nr V Kasi!« [llwskf an<J "Dr K. KflVaHīarß, <»f iKoo* t fc TV»n<»v" Afo<iit. ltllo Iman, I» "wolu'M #< l*iie<lMjit* fr*»n> K«.«! If«»wati, Vul Ilia* m**te n.t fomat anr.<''usictu?ftii !«t* *et. *nienp vrm be at tea>l tkrw ean3!date? for tb<- seodtc fr«nj' H3iy. - !Saral> Cur.c*xighiiro. V, A. Carva!fc'> I ar.d At«e. a!l Ilejiablīcaas. B«?n P. Oamp. *rho ran for tbe bous« o? twc tirisri-'+vfor;f\ wīīl W «, ■.■«īia', ! sntc Sfr,*r, rTi!<s \.-sr ( t.s; UwJTVn»[<*rst!c tuīu-; B*»tī i-i »īn-%zl tWnj lit- | WiiiiAUi C. AeiiL !oc*i &IH«uq '*Hii ftirttn*r at\uU ivaurt vt : Kauai. i> <"Xiitvtisi£ i«e & <.mti».!i Uale tut tUc scuaic iu»d 1«»: l»l* noa>i,n«li«>n |tai*»r*. 11«? i> a i Haiv-,iuL .

Xh* VuivtrsiU «i iU**ii uoy wia be h*i\d <m S&lur&4, H, ai >L Kisij.iliava\Immk, Kjtr,u&» Oahii E» amā. T&e 4ai« vas chati|;r<d fr<jr.i Uūa «m»iag S»lufMko l#(aa* «-■ *** «4»w*iaj«m au:k>t» iaca *i~re *U«»dL r«wla,tiv-a, ta&t *m\ * j**ssi&e faiurt! <»! ib« wi'l fce vL*ois*c [% MM&m «* lfae «* e&leeu&m smK« c\ss«eenee.