Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 26, 23 October 1940 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

This eolumn is open /or contributions. lj you have a good gag, send it in atid we will publish it, and givc your name ihe credit.—Koko-Nuts.

Koko-Xuts wouUl like to liaml a }rood, s\vift kiek to some of those Smart Alecs who staud arouml and huigh af the 'pāMonal guardsuien .uoini; throngh their drills, People who d<> that aren*t very patrkitii% :md some day they niay he glad to havo pfote(.'tlon froiu tlio .same soldiers they have the nerve lo laugh at now. Walt uutil some of these wise guys get drafted aml see if they feel like laughing at theiuselves. RUSSIA PLEDGES MORAL ASSISTANCE TO TURKEY — Newīspaper head?ine. We a!ways thought Russ!a didn't have any morals to pl€dge. We overheard a īuan asking if tliere \vas a Turkis:h bath 111 thīs . to\vn. _ i ] Yes, there is, hrother. You ean get a free one il' you just stk4i around the room \vhere the county band reliearses, for 10 iulnutes or so. . Wanda Waffleiron, the belle of Waiakea, is going to start a busine»s on a shoestrlng—as soon as she cati save enough money to buy the shoestring. THE SHADOW

■Tbere is a man called Eagle-ftye. And he is wondrous wtse , Who lifees to oatch you unawares And give you a surprise. Tlils Eagle-Eve is on the job Protn »iorn titl late at nlglit, To see the l«eer ?oints l>efore The £et too tight. Now lw»gle-Kye he i«eans quite wll And tries to eani his pay, But there are times when people \vish That he was mileA away. For in?t«the Nvhon vou try to have A qaiet liule drink, Oid Easle K,\ e «on'i s®iwt y\»H—. Oh, jeah' TUAT'S WHAT TOf think: this explains EVIRYTHING

Postmaster Devine finds it very difficult to keep the ink-well® fn the HMo post office «upplied wlth ink. !t se«ms to

tfisappear v«-ry fast but he has a pretty Qood idea where lt ffoe». Sandy McPherson, who Qot a pre•ent of a fountain pen last Chrlst mas, has been seen hanglng around tho«e ink-wet!s qulU quently. «STOf» Mt w Tt»ough oUiers si;m> wlth faee of WOOd Wlnnetr u i icient joke Is told. ī alway s> , , . wer£ it ttot good ] TwouUl not bv oKi j —bv S. r.' ONLY CHICKENS $CRATCH. —Blosan on a po>it.īc*! cir<ullir, Oh, y«ah- How about the nol* | dl«n ln thf f '\-n( !;» c trenche» Wlth their cioth<« full of coctle*t ] OeuiiU' Atlonjoj Martiu Peiux 3 is, to ke«i- li;n?Vlf tiom Wiil® an to t!ie kv«nty. WAIAKEA WiLLIE SAYS;

It's 110 wonder sonie nielodies are 50 hauntmg, when they have heen inurdered so ofteu by s\ving ban<ls. WHADDYA MEAN CAREFUL? Sign on the Kohala road: CAREFUL TRUCKS HAUL«NG CANE LIMMER-LICK There \vas a" young fellow aalneā Skinner, Who always ouiitted his dinner, Aud by reaswii ol' tliat lle uever got lai — And iie keeps geuiug thiuuer aud thiuner. * SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

"Will pow«r is what makes you do what you want to <10 when you

doivt want to do !t, and the best way to prove it fs to try !t your--Belf." MODERN MOTHER GOOSE £ye, Baby Buutiug, Mom's goue iu>us»» liuiiting, 'i'o iiad a house \\ liyre babj 's din WUI uot be uk». unweioouH' i». IMO «imile: As happy as a def*ated poi«tical candidate paying his advertisina bill. I- " DESERT POME NO. 94 sstalle<l on the desert Is }»oor Arcliie Dunning; Tbe jal!opy he drove Was so oid it quit runnvng, RIGHTO The editor of a ioeal newspaper asked his readers to send in remarks on the subject, "Books have heiped me." One of the repHe« wat; "My mother's eook book and my father's eheek | book." INFQRMATiON APPRECIATED

LiUie StreamUnes, of the front office, says »t's » aood idea to put up sisns aiong the road with the words "Men At Work", otherwise most folks wouldn*t know th«y were She must have i seen some of thos« WPA fc!(Ows i an<k the county road Üborers, i iA<«emiar.v: Ouee uik»u a Uuh 1 liieee whs a uuUoual jiu;jrūsiiMi] wiio pn a uniform ihai IH lii»». MOD£RN TRAFFIC OFFiCER Cop, to auiateur speed lieinon; "Wtiuher art U»ou boun<l» O winge*l one? To a confiagr«tion, i>ereii«ueeV BULL>ETIN

"Any t?mt you ***4 i tlttle "»««y ni b« at*<{ t« mak< ycu a <n « o*vnMr.v **slswrrt»i n X* <»wr su>sk ls too toug!i for ■&■{ «Bt: «hisi Ss f*»f vvo;iUli^s; MItUON MEN WILL REGIS TER tN NfW YORK ALONE.— N?»spap»r he*d!<«*. Now m*n r«f]CN>r AICN*C? A ouu h«» * o&u Uia; wii. !*_ Ca.cii U? *.■»>!,;vu;t ī'wi. Tliv £>t w\;',vi \\ wl iw*MJ-o&i m*&

*Wtan * ♦♦"•r !» \n Ih* n»wt- j PHMi* bUt!A«««, M a»ViA>4 grt« ' IHM for * 1M 0f l+ : *i : feW

i - i Ca ''emia rtian was '"cd $s\>C j f <vv bei\tw-ig up th« fd*tcr cf ivs ( , j { W«l), p*rh*p9 H Vk*t wih U, ] Uk' UvVu>- isAi i «S*ttior 4ii"U hoanl ;tU iW. Attt*rtca&& i , f;\>m l!u» j , « triH« 0)4 K«t <U *«J\An } Utw in th«»t i*y* e? co««c;ip J i U«n> | , LKi i., KUuii', U t i'. HīmHL' . | • <tu\\.vtu> MAKi'll' ' <L 1