Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 27, 30 October 1940 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]

Ka Hoku o Hawaii

The Star Of Hawaii

</l£anaia J\ «Hooiaaki 3 Ka J!aKui <Hau;aii J STAR OF HAWAII (Printed in English and Howoiionl '

HILO, aAWA3tt b |.;ft. W. 19jU



The Star of Hawaii is yublished in the interests ot the Hawaiian people \vitb a view of promoting goodwill and preserving tlie language and traditiona of the Hawaiian people.

Vol. XXXV, No. 27


: HILO, HAWAH, T. H., * l I)\F:fDAY. OCTOBER 30, _ 19W.

Tfcls secU«o ot K* Hoku O H**sU ia printed Ib ths l«nguae« f «r tto© feeoefit oī the younger g«ceratiOQ, many of whom do not read elr m P^-. BUBiemera.

.4$ •" - . * * 1"* W- ' ii