Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 37, 8 January 1941 — Correct Mailing Address Important To Employment Bureau [ARTICLE]
Correct Mailing Address Important To Employment Bureau
Tik» imjporeaQee of «'lalßwntß fur&fc*hiag tlieir correct aiailing addrcna(iB when applying for beaefit under provlsloas of the «awaii Unenaployuj«it Compe&sat«oo l»w was maae evident to<īay t»y Mr. C3iwles Sarage, Dlrector of £be Dep«rtment of Labor. ] Be «BQounced tbat stnce Jai3Uā-| *y of tbi» year, approxlmatelT 100 ] -ehecks iss«ed to un«mployed work- ] «» have been returaed to the Bu- « «•** ef ÜBempioyment Compeūi>a-1 a«a 6eeau»e of tbe inabtnty of tlve Offk?e Department 10 locate «tt)i«r Uie addresses or tlie inelivī I " Th« B«reao ba» lBsue<3 wk! utaU«d more than 54,000 cl«rvkfi bo| fur. M Svcry worker ai>t>li»ag for beDirector SaViige saSd, "is notifled of tlie of liīs eiaim and if approved, hiB firsi be- ; nefit elieek shouid reaoh him t&roagh tbe niail wHhln mateij tweau-four days froui tl»e i date lie flrst «pplioalioa at the Empioymeui servkt olīle? 1« his locality," » Clainjants who hajre imoved or chauged their sinre last L reporttag to tbese oKleee sitould immediately notify the Employmem ofßee serviug tbem und give i tbeir correct addresse& It is jpro--5 baple tiiat tbe eheek is" ' those retxinied aud thus it ean be deii-rered prouiptly to Iheui. law rekuires tbat ciaimaots - retwrt to Uie Employiueut officg «acfe week a»d t>irector Savagt «W lt wonld be an easy mauei -*ftp «wy work«r lo ®ee tbat hU «ddress- }s jvrom»rl.v rv.-uru<-(!.