Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 47, 19 March 1941 — Retail Druggists Warned by Comm. [ARTICLE]

Retail Druggists Warned by Comm.

. luvtissiigjiioub of tlio j furce of tlie Bureau _of Pune Food &utl Drug.s, lk>ard of have revealetl a lurge nomber of vīo\aof Uio Fe«ivrul FooJ, Drvj£ uud Cosmeiß" Ae! by rt j (asl dru< «Uts iu Uie iuUii>crhuinate of Orugs iuunufuctured outss*Je llie Teriitorj aml labeled here for a siileUi loeal eliepiele, U> M. 15. Bairos, temtorial ft»od eoiu- | aiiS!iiODcr. | I>rtur£ists liave erre<J, Mr, Eairos s Miui. I<y ii<iiiiig l«> j»ut on U)i» }«!«»!• iUK ade<iuate <iireetlo»s. for the UK' of the Uruiīs atul otl<er it>foriu«t!ou miuired hy Ihw. Tbe »toi.v e£ei»i>tloii io tiib quiren»?nt lz autliorlise(t in tho case of 4irugs inie»deti for profes.-ional use or <|isi4ease on lmt ftpsarentl.r *uany JrugglstS are not aware of th!s, l»e adtkMl.